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Comment Re:I am shocked! (Score 3, Informative) 98

You think watching porn on a work computer is "highly outrageous and unimaginable to anybody"?? What the hell are you doing on slashdot? I am pretty sure I have never worked anywhere where I did not come across porn in someone's history, and I bet the same could be said for the numerous sysadmins here.

Comment Re:Unlike copyrights, patents expire. (Score 2) 188

Where do we get that copyright is granted for a limited time? Gee, I don't know maybe from here: Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.

Comment Re:Factual record (Score 1) 193

> this is not like New York with the Medallion system of protecting incumbents.

Your crazy if you think the medallion system was put in place to "protect incumbents". In fact I have yet to see anyone offer any proof of any "taxi cartel". New York at one point had more the 30,000 cabs on the street, it affected safety and that is the reason the medallion system no restricts the number of cabs on the road to a bit over 16,000.

Comment Re:Still don't trust SSDs (Score 1) 144

>Having an SSD on a Desktop PC, is kinda a crap-shoot, unless you get one of the really high performance ones, you probably won't notice much. I beg to differ. It used to be the upgrade that gave you the greatest performance increase was increasing your memory. Now a days going from spinning rust to ssd provides the most noticeable performance upgrade.

Comment Re:To all you losers ... (Score 0, Flamebait) 331

And tens of millions of games don't agree with the gamergate idiots who support slut shaming, swatting, doxing and so on. I'm a gamer as well, have been since the days of Kings Quest on my PC jr and lode runner on my Apple IIe. I do not and will not support the antics of online bullies, thye give us all a bad name, thus I will stand up and call them out each and every time.

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