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Comment Re:The only good thing (Score 0) 511

No. You are stupid because you just admitted that most people use drugs,

You're amazingly stupid for not realizing I never claimed otherwise in the first place.

still can't see how it is absurd to claim that choosing to use drugs is the cause of addiction.

You're also stupid for trying to make this a legitimate reason for addiction. Bowing to peer pressure is also a choice. If you think ruining your life because you don't want to lose "friends" who would ditch you for not getting addicted with them is a good decision, then you're stupid.

... and you are stupid for openly admitting that you have no experience with the subject matter, but are willing to hold yourself up as some kind of expert anyway. You are doubly stupid for continuing to paint me as the ignorant one after blatantly and openly exposing your ignorance.

So for someone to be not stupid on this issue, they have to have experience in ruining their life? How about the fact that I avoided any chance of ruining my life as a legitimate experience? Not only not ruining, but having a pretty good life as experience that it is absolutely okay not to use drugs just because other people do.

Comment Re:Taking responsibility? Ha! (Score 2) 511

Strange of you to make that political connection. Historically it's been libertarians who are pushing to decriminalize all drugs and let people live by their choices. I'm quite the lefty. I support welfare and universal healthcare and pro-choice and marriage equality and stuff like that.

Comment Re:The only good thing (Score 1) 511

I love that people get offended when people tell them they can do the right thing. I don't do it JUST to lord it over people, even though that is an added bonus. I'm here to tell people that it's OKAY to not follow the crowd, and yes even godless atheists can decide to not take drugs despite there being no divine command to do so.

Comment Re:The only good thing (Score 0) 511

You are stuid because you sit at a table at a restaraunt and read the menu, look around you and see bars and night clubs, probably drinking yourself from time to time in some of those establishments, and think it isn't a social norm to use drugs.

I'm stupid because I don't follow the crowd? Gotcha. You must be very intelligent.

In other words, you most likely use drugs yourself.

You're grasping at straws, mate. The closest I came to drugs was when my mother made beer chicken. I tasted awful. It's kind of sad that you try to make yourself feel better by trying to implicate me into your bad habits. Not going to work. Squeaky clean.

unless of course you smoke cigarettes, in which case you are an addict.

I even hold my breath when walking behind a smoker.

Comment Re:Real life is complicated (Score -1, Troll) 511

Furthermore just because someone made a bad decision doesn't mean we simply abandon them. Maybe you are the one person who has never made a bad choice in life but I doubt it. Sometimes people make bad choices and a civilized society tries to a reasonable degree to help them through it. We're going to pay for it one way or another anyway so why not do the humane thing and help those who are willing to be helped?

I'm all for helping people who are addicted. Just don't expect me to help them AND feel sympathy. I can perfectly help people and still feel no sympathy for them. I feel sympathy, even empathy, for those who don't get themselves into trouble but find themselves there.

If you take drugs and get addicted, that's your responsibility. Not anyone else's.

You really think that a wounded veteran who gets unintentionally addicted to opiates while trying to control pain is solely responsible for his situation? If so you are a very cold hearted person.

If they're in great pain and they down painkillers, it's not really addiction, because they're in pain, or PTSD. If they somehow manage to mentally and physically heal and no longer require painkillers but continue to do so, then it's a choice.

Comment Re:The only good thing (Score 1) 511

My ignorance and stupidity?

Boy it feels so stupid to finish university on schedule, get a job right out of university, take up guitar and fencing, and buy a house while resisting the bank's push for me to get a bigger loan than I was comfortable with.

But GOOD ON YOU for fighting back against me for making you feel stupid for your stupid life choices. You're right. You should always be made to feel like a special snowflake because it's not your fault you decided to take drugs against all advice.

Comment Re: The only good thing (Score 1) 511

I am a middle child, but I'm the only one of my siblings who graduated "on schedule" and got a job right out of university. I never claimed to be the most sensible person, but I can look at my life from an outside perspective and realize I'm doing pretty fucking well even on a modicum of sensibility.

Comment Re:The only good thing (Score 0) 511

It's heartless because it implies that addicts sat down at the kitchen table, made a Pro-Con list of addiction, and came to a reasoned decision to become an addict.

They didn't need to. They get given plenty of pros and cons for the matter to be already decided.

They think that one time won't hurt - look at all the teachers who smoke or drink alcohol. Look at all the successful celebrities who do drugs.

And I have no sympathy for anyone who thinks so stupidly. As a kid, I didn't know about logical fallacies. But I knew enough to know "because everyone else does it" is not a good reason. In fact, kids are taught that all the time.

It's heartless because most of us have made a bad decision while intoxicated, to the point where we'll disown that decision.

You argue against yourself. Getting intoxicated in the first place is a decision.

addiction ought to evoke some fucking sympathy.

Someone who deliberately cuts off their own legs with a chainsaw don't get sympathy. So why should addicts?

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