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Comment Re:Yep!!! (Score 1) 489

Microsoft's behavior definitely does not preclude the possibility of its competitors simply failing or doing stupid things. This was certainly the case in the browser wars.

It's a shame OS/2 never succeeded better. I ran it for a while. I don't recall why I went back to Windows, but I do remember after a few months of suffering under Windows 95, I switched to NT and never went back. I've run Linux on and off over the years (I always have at least one Linux server, but my main machine has gone between Linux and Windows). The main reason I stick with Windows today is for games and a few other pieces of Windows software I really like using. It certainly isn't for anything Windows does that Linux can't do for me.

My wife, on the other hand, hated Windows 8 so much, she asked me to install Linux for her and she's been happy since. She's not a technical person, but she hated Windows 8 even more than me.

Comment Re:Yep!!! (Score 1) 489

I don't see how it could hurt to run Android apps natively. It's an acknowledgement that Android has the software ecosystem that mobile Windows doesn't have and probably never will. OS/2 didn't fail because it ran Windows programs "better than Windows" (which was absolutely true in my experience). OS/2 failed because it was up against a monopolist that was not above abuse its power and market share to ruthlessly crush the opposition.

In the mobile space, Microsoft is more or less where the non-MS software developers were in the 90s. They are the outsider with no market-share and not a great opportunity to get their foot in the door (except that MS has what no other software company has: 10 figures of cash to throw at any problem they want to solve). Running Android apps might not make Windows Mobile viable, but it sure won't hurt.

Comment Re: Umm, no. (Score 1) 187

There are plenty of top-notch people working American IT companies from India and similar non-Western places, because I work with a bunch of them (in the U.S.). Hiring anyone is simply a matter of figuring out how to filter out the posers, the Dunning-Kruger experts and the BS artists, and there are plenty of those to go around.

Comment Re:News for Nerds, Stuff that matters (Score 1) 400

Yes, yes they are. Nowadays, the spectacle is created mostly with gigantic stories and the special effects to back them up. Gigantic stories, not necessarily good ones, but back in the day the musicals were the best way to create an inspiring and exciting spectacle. Of course, those wonderful films are as inspiring and exciting as always, but popular music has been dumbed down too much for it to be a vehicle for a movie ("From Justin to Kelly" notwithstanding).

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