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Comment Re:Because I'm lazy (Score 1) 279

"Automated unit tests"... I thought those were just a myth. Are you sure you're in the Real World?

And don't get me started on "enterprise" software. I've almost never seen "enterprise" software that was worth the disk space it took up. We can complain all day about how bad Windows or Office, etc., is but compared to "enterprise" software, those products are amazingly good and user-friendly.

Comment Re:Certain Disappointment (Score 1) 325

You can say what you want about Abrams' ability to make exciting action set pieces. He's got a lot of technical and artistic skill in that area. I think there's a lot of good that can be defended about the casting and art direction of the new "Star Trek" movies (disclaimer: I've only seen clips of "Khan Lite"). I would even go so far as to praise some of the changes that came out of the "reboot" aspect of altering the timeline.

But the plots were absolutely and utterly incoherent. Then again, this is true for most action movies nowadays. I'm not talking about "Oh, there's a plot hole", but more along the lines of "Nothing that happens makes any sense, other than to be a thin substrate linking interchangeable action scenes."

Comment Re:Long story short (Score 1) 178

But, wait, didn't Adobe develop... oh, yeah, that's awful. But what about...? No, you're right, it's a usability nightmare. But you have to admit... no, wait you don't.

I give up. You're right. Adobe has all of the arrogance and user-hostility of Microsoft, but without the smart people that you can actually find at Microsoft.

Comment Re:ah, those were the daze;-) (Score 1) 230

I took a Fortran class at Virginia Tech in 1983 that used punch cards. And you couldn't run your own jobs, so it was literally the same as "one compile a day" described in the article. Drop off your deck and come back the next morning to find you had a syntax error on card 2...

It was especially depressing since I'd been writing BASIC on an Apple ][ for years. It was probably one of the last classes that used punch cards.

Comment Re:Case was a joke. (Score 1) 174

True, but when it comes to markets where Microsoft's monopoly couldn't help so much, phones and tablets, they aren't doing so well. Those markets show what happens when there's a more level playing field and Microsoft's market share is negligible in the mobile market. It might not stay that way, but they are currently way behind Apple, Google and others. That could not have happened in the PC world in the last 20 years.

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