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Comment I will invest in that. (Score 5, Insightful) 168

Any company willing to tell it's investors "screw you", because they are looking long-term instead of focusing only on quarterly gains, that's a company I'm willing to invest in.

It's a sad state of affairs in the USA that almost every public company, without question only looks as far as their next quarterly report, and no further down the road. This is why all these businesses are run by idiots that can't even tell you what their company even *does*, because they are so focused on manipulating the stock price and their personal bonuses.

One reason the Japanese kicked our asses in the 1980's is that they were looking at 10-year plans while the USA looked only to the next quarter. Now the Chinese are doing the same, with long-term strategies, and we continue to have not learned our lessons.

So, if Amazon is looking long-term, then they are better managed than 99% of USA businesses. That's a company I can believe in. And I'll invest in that.

Comment And what about Economic Terrorism? (Score 4, Insightful) 242

I mean, if I had to name someone a terrorist, I'd start with Rupert Murdoch, and then think about the CEO of Goldman Sachs (Blankenfein?)... Then there's that bank HSBC, that knowingly laundered money to terrorists and drug cartels.
  If you really think about it, the 1% are the nastiest bunch of terrorists around, but I'll bet you the entire planet (which the 1% own), that these terrorists never, ever, ever get their names on any terrorist list.
  So, what's a terrorist then? Someone, I guess... who represents a threat to the real terrorists running the world.

Comment DHS hasn't learned from Star Trek's "Nomad" (Score 2, Interesting) 242

In "The Changeling", the probe "Nomad" seeks to sterilize anything that is "imperfect" -- and of course, everything is imperfect to Nomad.

So essentially, *everyone* is a terrorist, and everyone is duty-bound to report their neighbors. Until everyone is watching everyone and we're all ready to shoot our neighbors to maintain the peace.

Those Aliens are coming to Mulberry street alright.

And I got to reference two 1960's TV shows that warned us of this very event, and we're too dumb to listen. Amurica f*ck Yeah!

Comment So, America *needs* traitors? (Score 5, Insightful) 190

Let me get this straight; because this article is making my mind blow..... When Mr Snowden did what he did, the comments here on Slashdot both hailed him as hero and decried him as a traitor. This is still unresolved.

And now we're saying that we NEED to have a Snowden-style event to have any kind of transparency at DHS? So, Americans need to give up their Hawaiian gymnast girlfriends, go on the lam, be hunted by every three-letter agency, have to move to Russia, have a price put on their heads, and still be hated by 50% of America who'd want to thrown them in a deep dark hole for the rest of their lives without a trial..... All so *you* can have some nice "transparency" at the DHS?????

Sorry, but if that's what's required, PLEASE NOW ADMIT THAT AMERICA IS A FASCIST POLICE STATE, and that if the price of freedom is so high that most people aren't willing to give up everything for that freedom, we have become land of the sheep.

Also, if you feel that's what's required; do it yourself; or start a revolution to take your country back from the oligarchs that have made into a greedy-self-serving-piece-of-shit-excuse for a nation. Mr Snowdens are few and far between and you're lucky to have the ones you have.

Comment Rand Paul Ads on Facebook? (Score 1) 533

Does this mean that Rand Paul will make "interesting posts" that Facebook thinks I want to read that end up in my newsfeed? Does this mean autoplay videos of Rand Paul will be "posted" by my "friends"?

Facebook is already making me doubt the validity of anything I see on the internet, and frankly, I don't care which game of thrones character I am, I don't care that 99% of people can't name a movie with the letter "S" in it, and I don't care that some friends want a one word response about how we met. And I really don't care that someone's cancer will be cured if they get a million "likes".

So, really, what's being added here by Rand Paul? All it's going to do is confirm that I'm fed up with facebook, and my "friends" aren't important enough for me to have to put up with it.

Comment Sell your own data... (Score 1) 41

Companies have proved they do not care about your data and are willing to essentially give it away via breaches. And *nothing* is ever done about preventing identity theft, because the burden of fixing it is up to the individual, not the credit card issuer, and not the large faceless corporation that saved $20 on security software, but let the hackers in to take your identity in the first place.

They then promise to fix the problem, but then never do. And government looks the other way because they are in the pocket of big business in the first place.

So, beat them to the punch: Sell your identity to the hackers. Make it a place like ebay where people get to bid on you. You get money (probably from a previously stoeln credit card); the hackers get to perform credit card fraud; and then you get new cards issued from your bank, and a week or two later, you get to start the process all over again. In the meantime, there's an "economy" at work, and believe it or not, it's on the backs of the credit issuers, who have to keep replacing your card.

Then, after a few years of that; they might actually do something about the ease of identity theft.

Sure, you've ruined your credit rating; but in the meantime, so has everyone else -- this only works if everyone does it of course -- so credit ratings become meaningless and the world, like in fight club, becomes a better place and maybe we go back to the days where companies took some responsibility and weren't just gouging everyone for every last cent.

Maybe, just maybe, we can turn this thing around on them and take our planet back.

Comment Max Headroom Reference: (Score 1) 401

Police officer: Oh my god, this guy's TV has an off-switch!
Other officer: He'll fry for that!

For those of you who never got to enjoy this fabulous series from the mid-1980's Max Headroom took place is a dystopian society where TV ruled the land, and being able to shut it off was illegal. Even political offices were voted on via ratings. Being "blank" (unable to be tracked via computer, no credit history, no marketing history) made you a terrorist. 20 minutes into the future my friend.

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