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Comment Gigawatt Ponzi scheme (Score 5, Insightful) 212

I remember getting into an argument here about four years ago about this problem with Bitcoin- that "mining" coins is based on everyone racing to use as much electricity as possible, and the number of kilowatt-hours burned per generated coin increases with time, as part of the design. "ATMs use electricity too" was the consensus opinion.
Now we have a "currency" that gets "mined" using more electricity than Ireland uses. The wattage devoted to this crap has increased sevenfold during the past 12 months. People only use it as an investment, making it useless as a currency. "Everyone accepts it as payment" doesn't mean anything when everyone who has it is too scared to spend it.

Comment Re:Good gravy (Score 4, Insightful) 465

As long as they stick to trolling, they can't do much more damage than they already have. At this point, you're either aware of them, or your mind is already in an alternate universe where kids get molested in nonexistent pizzeria basements by a presidential candidate who fits the typical pedo demographic to a "T". (Although I think I missed the episodes of To Catch a Predator where elderly female politicians arrive at the door with pizzas.)

The Russians would get more payoff at this point from cyberattacking the electrical grid on Election Day. But those who are in a position to prevent this don't seem to mind the trolling at all.

Comment Re: Censoring vs. Educating (Score 1) 308

According to court precedent, a baker has to bake a cake for a gay wedding. But they cannot require him to ice it with "God is dead". If a white supremacist couple comes into a Jewish bakery they must be served, but they can't require swastika icing.
Youtube is a private company, not some sort of public square or civic space that must accommodate free expression in all forms. They offer an equal platform to everyone no matter what their political persuasion. (Being a private entity, they're not required to, but they do.) But if you upload nothing but crap, and they decide it's crap, they have the right to kick you out. Unless the cops show up to arrest you because someone didn't like the politics in your videos, no U.S. court will consider your First Amendment rights to have been infringed. They'll just say you can upload your videos somewhere else if you don't like it.

Comment Re:Stop utilizing 3rd parties (Score 1) 277

Why is this marked Troll?
A lot of Silicon Valley companies have convinced themselves that they run some sort of civic space where all "viewpoints" must be tolerated long past the point where cops in a public square would have been busting heads.
It's a private company in an unregulated market. None of your tax dollars go to it, your First Amendment rights do not trump their own, and alternatives to them are available. It's their right and in their interests to maintain a proper signal-to-noise ratio. Believe it or not, people stop visiting web sites when they begin to resemble landfills, so it's in the site's interest to purge you if you upload horseshit.
If you don't like Twitter, move to Gab- a site where I would naturally expect to get kicked off. If Youtube deletes your video, upload it somewhere else. If you don't like it, deprive it of your content and see if anyone cares enough to follow you.

Comment So sick of Bitcoin (Score 2) 57

When will this worthless shit crash already? It's a complete failure as a currency. All it's accomplished for the world is to facilitate trafficking in drugs, weapons, and humans, and to reward people who waste electricity. Yes, everyone accepts it as payment. Because it's undergoing a bubble. But no one wants to pay for stuff with it. Because it's undergoing a bubble.

For a currency to be usable, it needs to maintain a stable value. Bitcoin fails miserably at it. Nerds seem to get intrigued by its algorithm and lose sight of human nature- people won't trust it once they get burned by the crash that's being dismissed as an inevitable "short-term correction". (And that's more acceptable than a long-term correction... why?) Sure, you'll forget you were a "billionaire" when you went to bed last night and you'll buy pizza with your Bitcoins for lunch- except no pizzeria will accept them after that. But rest assured, there is a distributed blockchain uncontrolled by any central authority that establishes beyond all doubt that you are the proud owner of a worthless currency.

Bitcoin has made one thing perfectly clear- so-called "fiat money" is the worst kind of currency except for all the others.

Comment The Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act (Score 1) 275

What most people don't know is, Sonny Bono actually had some sort of music career before he became a corrupt politician. Did you know that? I knew that. Most people don't know that. Because everyone just knows him as the guy who came up with the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act. But he was actually a singer. He died skiing when he hit a tree; once the tree has seventy more rings I'll check out his albums.

Comment Re:Good. (Score 0, Troll) 141

This was always a huge problem waiting to happen. The barrier to entry for idiot UAV operators is WAY too small. In my opinion they should all have pilots' licenses to fly beyond 50 feet from the operator.

OK, let me get this straight. You live in a country where 30000 people are shot each year, and what you're upset about about are drones that can fly 50 feet from the operator?

Guess what else flies 50 feet from the operator? You people need to get your priorities in order.

Comment Re: It's a male, take him down! (Score 5, Insightful) 681

Something is wrong with the way Americans train police. I don't think they know this, but American police are the butt of jokes around the world. They're not real cops.

Most of them are former security guards and prison guards who think their guns are toys, like this acquitted Philip Mitchell Brailsford piece of shit who forced a guy begging for his life to play "Simon Says", pumped five rounds into him, and then typically claimed self defense like an American policeman will always do.

Cops with prior military training don't act like this at all. Maybe you would be better served by unloading your current "police force" and starting anew with recruits who have been trained to respect weapons and understand that they serve the public, not the other way around.

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