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The End of Native Code? 1173

psycln asks: "An average PC nowadays holds enough power to run complex software programmed in an interpreted language which is handled by runtime virtual machines, or just-in-time compiled. Particular to Windows programmers, the announcement of MS-Windows Vista's system requirements means that future Windows boxes will laugh at the memory/processor requirements of current interpreted/JIT compiled languages (e.g. .NET, Java , Python, and others). Regardless of the negligible performance hit compared to native code, major software houses, as well as a lot of open-source developers, prefer native code for major projects even though interpreted languages are easier to port cross-platform, often have a shorter development time, and are just as powerful as languages that generate native code. What does the Slashdot community think of the current state of interpreted/JIT compiled languages? Is it time to jump in the boat of interpreted/JIT compiled languages? Do programmers feel that they are losing - an arguably needed low-level - control when they do interpreted languages? What would we be losing besides more gray hair?"

New Griefer Punishment - Crucification 119

garylian writes "I found this interesting little news snippet from the game Roma Victor. Apparently, the game designers have decided that since their game is going to be based on realistic events that happened in the Roman Empire in Europe, there is nothing wrong with handing out punishments that were handed out in that time. The game's site has a letter from the Publisher's CEO explaining about how crucification is an appropriate form of punishment for in-game behavior. There are also pictures of the avatar hanging from his week-long perch."
User Journal

Journal Journal: Email Address Change

The email address for this account received over five hundred messages warning about the SoBig virus.

I generated a new address and set the old one to Bounce. I wonder if I should have set the old one to Shred.

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