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Comment Re:WAN (Score 5, Informative) 284

They have inconsistent acceptable use policies with data transfers or different definitions of public and local network bandwidth? I don't know, I am more confused now.

This is from stating that the cap indeed still applies for which I would assume is on the Comcast local network just like the Xbox service. It was last updated Updated 3/9/2012.

Does the Comcast Usage Meter measure data that I consume from

Yes. is an Internet web service from Comcast that you receive using your XFINITY Internet service. Comcast treats its affiliated services the same as it treats any unaffiliated services that you use your XFINITY Internet service to access. All data that travels over the public Internet on our high-speed Internet service (and all data that XFINITY Internet users send to one another using the service) is counted toward the monthly Data Usage Threshold, regardless of the source.

Comment Re:The article writer is a deaf idiot (Score 1) 841

I misunderstood the 192/24. I thought they were talking about compressed MP3s at 192. I should have read the links before I posted. I have no experience with comparing uncompressed rates that high. Everything I said about comparing compressed files to uncompressed 16/44 is true for me though.

Comment Re:The article writer is a deaf idiot (Score 0) 841

On tracks that you have listened to for many years, you know what to expect because you remember it. You've heard it 100's of times on many different systems over the years. When the music is compressed, you can hear the difference almost immediately, specially on the higher frequencies. I've personally never used 192/24 but I have used various forms of vbr/cbr at different rates and different encoders over the years. I've settled on a rate that balances space and quality. I still notice the difference though. Same going the other way, I've listened and "learned" tracks that were compressed and finally got an uncompressed version. I notice the difference that way as well. Was I happy with the original compressed version? Yes, it was all I had and it sounded as good as I had ever heard to that point.

Using your own argument, why not just use 128/16 or 96/24? There is obviously a difference right? What some people notice or not does not mean others do not.

Your claim about loudness being perceived as better is well known and no secret. Why do you think masters are mixed with such high average levels these days? Just because 95% percent of the population thinks louder is better does not mean everyone does. I am not some crazed audiophile with strange beliefs, rituals, and exotic equipment and it doesnt take that to hear differences.

Comment Re:The article writer is a deaf idiot (Score 0) 841

People that have crappy sound systems do not realize the difference, or they just don't care. I don't mean that in a negative way, they like volume, not quality. Nothing wrong with that. I wish I was that way. Regular non remastered PF from the 70's is very noticeable to me when it is compressed and I can even tell when I'm driving 55 down the highway with a moderately priced car stereo. While at home on my couch listening to my home stereo, I'd rather listen to AM radio talk shows then music I am familiar with in a compressed format. It's just not the same and not enjoyable. Some people get into music more than others. Nothing wrong with that.

Comment Re:Loved pinball (Score 1) 82

I could play Rollergames endlessly starting with one credit.

That was the only pinball machine that I was able to "flip" the score back through 0. It gave another credit when it passed the setpont the second time but the final score did not count as a high score. I eventually started getting as close as I could to flipping the score and then tilting out. You would get more overall credits doing that as a new high score gave multiple credits.

My favorites or at least the ones I played the most were Funhouse, Time Machine and Terminator 2. Twilight zone and Adams Family seemed to be the most popular but I only played them if there was nothing else.

Comment Re:"We can change this anytime" EULA didn't work? (Score 1) 166

That new contract would not grandfather unlimited data plans, and it likely wouldn't lock in your current rates. In practice, it becomes nothing more than what you already have. Throw in the fact that they would likely stop paying for your new phone every few years and the end result is more money out of pocket for little to no gain.

I disagree. Without these long contracts, cellular companies would have to compete for your continued business with competitive prices, better choices on phones, better phone service and better customer service. If they were no longer competitive, people could and would leave immediately. Just like VOIP has done to the land line market. The consumer would ultimately benefit from from this. Hell, it might even get to the point where you buy a phone yourself completely separate from the carrier and then shopped for a carrier. It would be in their interest to support all phones and they could make some type of install package for your model phone you could download and install to make it work correctly with their service. I believe the market and the prices would work themselves out and we would all benefit.

Comment Re:ask a mechanic (Score 1) 672

Toyota even gives you guides on their website for performing a few standard maintenance tasks: once others would just direct you to the dealer ship for.

Hyundai has a bulk of thier manuals/procedures/troublshooting online at

I haven't been on there for a while but I've used it for a few procedures and things like specific torques and wiring diagrams. I wish others had something similar.

Comment Re:Good on them (Score 1) 99

Add search terms by town/city. That should be close enough to using miles for most people.

xbox town1|town2|town3|town4

or just the area names themselves if you are not looking for a specific item


I use this search method all of the time. Including an RSS link.

The only way you would ever be able to search my miles is if sellers had to put their entire address in their ad. That's not a good idea at all.

Comment Re:The actual damages... (Score 2) 647

If I get caught taking an audio CD from WalMart without paying, I MIGHT get a $50-200 fine. If I download those same 12 songs that were on the CD without paying and get caught, I may get charged $1000-15000 per song, that is about $100000-150000 total. How is the damages from one about 50000X more than the other? I "took" the SAME thing.

Comment The World Almanac (Score 1) 647

I love them.
- Hours and hours of cool information.
- Wildly different topics and "storylines" throughout the book. If you have no interest in a specific section, you can skip to the next section.
- You don't have to read it in an order
- Small and easy to carry around.

No really, a World Almanac!

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