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Comment This isn't spying, it's evidence tampering.... (Score 5, Insightful) 242

At the outset, let's look at the moral of the story: You can't trust spies or spy agencies. Especially not the way the Senator has consistently told us we should trust the NSA.

The "CIA computers" were part of a document production system provided by the CIA pursuant to a Senate Committee subpoena. It contained CIA documents responsive to the Senate subpoena in electronic form instead of paper copies. The document depository was run by private contractors. That's not really that unusual.

Apparently, when the CIA found out they had turned over to the Senate Committee a CIA draft report that was particularly harmful to the CIA's position, the draft report "disappeared" from the computerised document depository. The senior Senator from California believes the CIA caused it to disappear.

It's like erasing portions of White House tapes that had been subpoenaed a la Nixon. Just because it was done by the CIA doesn't mean it was spying, merely criminal tampering with a federal investigation. That's all.

Trust the CIA and the NSA. They will never over-reach or break the law.

Comment Life finds a way.... (Score 2) 49

In the age of the airliner, a poultry farmer wipes his nose the wrong way, shakes another guy's hand, 2d guy gets on a jet to Hong Kong, jet stops long enough to change crews and off to sunny California. Kills the guys in the first village, flight crew spreads it to Hong Kong, then right to the US in less than a day.

We're fucked. Sooner or later. It's happened before.


Comment So, What Is A Hero, Then? (Score 1) 388

Mr. Snowden put himself at great personal risk physically (from "extraordinary rendition" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E... and the like) and criminally (where he can have his liberty taken from him after some state action) and professionally (hard to work places where the US won't be looking for you).

That is just. What he did was to bring great pressure on the US government to act. 100's of millions of dollars worth of security blown. Years of effort destroyed. He acted against his oath and against his country. There should be very strong repercussions for his actions. It is not a thing he did lightly nor without great thought. I presume that BECAUSE of the physical, criminal and professional danger he thought VERY HARD.

Mr. Snowden acted knowing the dangers, to himself, to his country and to the citizens therein. He believed he had knowledge that others did not, that he had a duty to act as a result and that whatever the consequences to him personally, the good would outweigh the harm. Whether or not you agree that he acted wisely or not is what puts you in the hero / traitor camps. I believe there are gradations between the two. I believe Mr. Snowden falls there.

He is a hero in that he believed that lawmakers were being deceived by the NSA to approve acts that were against the Constitutional rights of the citizens of the United States. He believed that if they really knew what was going on they would stop the NSA from those actions. I believe he was correct: that the NSA was wrong and the authority they acted under was gotten from Congress under false pretenses. That makes Mr. Snowden, in my mind, a hero.

But I am an American with children that I wish to have sleep safely at night. It worries me that a person can do so much damage at such a low level of responsibility. I do not believe every whistleblower is right. I'm not sure it's something we should encourage. Because he did not use the channels already in place (with the Inspector General Act of 1978, Mr. Snowden could have attained the same goals at least in theory. http://www.dodig.mil/Programs/...) he could be considered a criminal. I blame him for not making the attempt.

There is a huge problem with the NSA in this country. Someone had to act. Someone did, in contravention to the law. Mr. Snowden acted by his own reckoning "selflessly." He knew he would pay the price. Thank you Mr. Snowden. You were right. But you can never come home again.

Submission + - Cheap, Refillable, Biodegradable Batteries Within 3 Years (phys.org)

pcwhalen writes: Batteries use noxious chemicals and don’t last very long. Even rechargeables don’t seem to power up that long. But what if someone came out with a renewable energy source battery?

At Virginia Tech, a research team has developed an energy-dense fuel cell that runs of a maltodextrin solution. Using sugar in a battery is like indirect solar power, renewable when we grow the sugar source.

Little fuel cells that run off of Sunny-D? Neat.

Comment Closing the Barn Door... (Score 5, Informative) 115

...after all the cows got out.

Day late and a dollar short to worry about BlackPOS. Variants of "Dexter, first documented by Seculert in December 2012, is a Windows-based malware used to steal credit card data from PoS systems."


They have had 3 flavors so far:
1.] Stardust (looks to be an older version, perhaps version 1)
2.] Millenium (note spelling)
3.] Revelation (two observed malware samples; has the capability to use FTP to exfiltrate data)

I can buy any of these programs with a Tor browser, an ICQ client and some Bitcoin at any carder site on line.

A little late to be worried about snippets of code.

Submission + - "Laser Mirror" Could be Future of Space Telescopes (sciencemag.org) 1

sciencehabit writes: Imagine a space telescope the size of a football field that weighs as much as a few slices of bread. Researchers have taken a step toward that goal by creating a small mirror out of tiny polystyrene particles, held together by lasers. Without any weight constraints, telescopes could be much more powerful than previously thought possible. In space, a series of powerful lasers would hold the mirror together, creating giant telescopes that weigh only a few hundred grams. What's more, such telescopes could quickly reassemble if struck by space debris.

Submission + - Yep, People Are Still Using '123456' and 'Password' as Passwords in 2014 (slashdot.org)

Nerval's Lobster writes: Earlier this week, SplashData released its annual list of the 25 most common passwords used on the Internet—and no surprise, most are so blindingly obvious it’s a shock that people still rely on them to protect their data: '12345,' 'password,' 'qwerty' '11111,' and worse. There were some interesting quirks in the dataset, however. Following a massive security breach in late 2013, a large amount of Adobe users’ passwords leaked onto the broader Web; many of those users based their password on either ‘Adobe’ or ‘Photoshop,’ which are terms (along with the ever-popular ‘password’) easily discoverable using today’s hacker tools. “Seeing passwords like ‘adobe123 and ‘photoshop’ on this list offers a good reminder not to base your password on the name of the website or application you are accessing,” Morgan Slain, CEO of SplashData, wrote in a statement. Slashdotters have known for years that, while it's always tempting to create a password that’s easy to remember—especially if you maintain profiles on multiple online services—the consequences of an attacker breaking into your accounts are potentially devastating. As you know, complex passwords with a mix of numbers, letters and special characters (#,$,%,&, etc.) are best; avoid passwords based on dictionary words, numerical sequences (“1234567”), or personal information (such as your birthday).

Submission + - Water Plume 'Unequivocally' Detected at Dwarf Planet Ceres (discovery.com)

astroengine writes: Astronomers analyzing data from the now defunct Herschel infrared space observatory have made a huge discovery deep inside the asteroid belt. Dwarf planet Ceres, the largest body in the region, is generating plumes of water vapor. “This is the first time water vapor has been unequivocally detected on Ceres or any other object in the asteroid belt and provides proof that Ceres has an icy surface and an atmosphere,” said Michael Küppers of the European Space Agency in Spain and lead author of a paper published today (Jan. 22) in the journal Nature.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Still can't believe the NSA is as deep as it is.

The width and breadth of our govt's spying abroad was never in doubt: our abilities are impressive, but not shocking. the shock comes from deciding to turn the lens inward. Exec order 12333 says CIA and NSA look "out" and not domestically at US persons.

It's a slippery slope to start down. Without 4th Amendment protections, we could all be fucked.

Comment Re: Who Are The FISA Judges? (Score 1) 187

Appeals are only brought by someone that objects. Appellate review doesn't happen on it's own. Someone has to bring the case.

If no one knows what they've done, who objects to their rulings?

No one.

Who reviews them? Not the Supreme Court, unless someone objects.

So, no. There is no one reviewing them.

And all of the appointments ore of federal judges, yes. Very conservative pro executive branch. Most likely to expand NSA and government power.

So there is much to fear.

Comment Who Are The FISA Judges? (Score 2) 187

They are all picked by one man - Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts.

This was meant to be a body of jurists to check the validity of search warrants, but it developed its own body of case law. With no check on its power. None.

The NY Times notes "In making assignments to the court, Chief Justice Roberts, more than his predecessors, has chosen judges with conservative and executive branch backgrounds that critics say make the court more likely to defer to government arguments that domestic spying programs are necessary."

So, yeah, I'd say the FISA judges don't want anyone looking over their shoulders.

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