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Comment Re:eliminate extra sugar (Score 2) 496

All simple carbohydrates, chips, white bread, wheat tortillas, fried potatoes are an issue

Hogwash! I used to eat more whole-grains, nuts, and protein, but had to cut back due to kidney stones such that I had to go back to "starchy" foods. My weight changed NONE: still plump.

But again, every body is different. Extrapolation of one experience needs to be taken with a grain of salt. Pun intended.

Comment Re:eliminate extra sugar (Score 1) 496

I did it by eliminating extra sugar.

I cut way down on sugar, and it made absolutely zero difference on my weight. It may have other benefits, but not weight.

Then again, everybody is different. What works for your body may not work for another.

There probably is no magic bullet, other than working your sweaty ass off on a farm or building pyramids (or a machine that simulates such), which is what we are evolved to be doing. The only chubby people used to the royal families, which is like 0.00001% of the population, not enough for evolution to "care" about.

Diets are like software engineering fads: promise a Grand New Way of doing things, but in the end there is no substitute for experience, skill, patience, listening to users, and discipline. "Have you tried the new Node-Jay-Ass diet?"

I would note that the guy who dies at 65 with a Bic Mac in hand appears to be happier than the guy who dies at 82 on a treadmill sweating his bloody ass off.

Comment Re:Permian–Triassic (P–Tr) extinction (Score 1) 74

Not if the asteroid hit between 300 and 600 million years old, and the Permian-Triassic boundary is at 252. The other issue is that people have already looked for signals of impact at the P-Tr boundary- iridium, shocked quartz, spherules like you get with the Chicxulub impact that wiped out the dinosaurs- and found nothing. The leading hypothesis right now is that massive volcanic eruption drove the P-Tr extinction.

Comment Not By Choice (Score 1) 182

JavaScript has enjoyed a dramatic renaissance as it has been transformed from a browser scripting a substantial client-side programming language

This is mostly because there are few practical alternatives on the client side. You can't have the user install say Python on the client side if you want to use Python. It's the QWERTY of programming languages: you are stuck with it because everybody else is also stuck with it. They are not going to fudge their browser just for your particular site.

While JavaScript may be fine for a light-duty glue language, it sucks big juicy ones for large interconnected libraries, such as GUI engines. A strong-typed language is much better suited for large libraries.

It's backwards to load an entire GUI engine just for one app. It's almost as bad as DLL-Hell. Time to rethink web GUI standards (or lack of).

Comment A better model for Dynamic Typing (Score 1) 182

weakly-typed variables are a bit aggravating

A lot of that can be alleviated simply by having a language that does not overload operators across types, such as "+" for addition and concatenation, and by having optionally type-validated parameters.

ColdFusion may suck in other ways, but it got these two things mostly right. Witness the function parameter (argument) declaration definition:

    default="default value"
    displayname="descriptive name"
    hint="extended description"
    type="data type">

Example code:

<cfArgument name="amount" type="numeric" required="yes">
<cfArgument name="deadline" type="date" required="false" default="12/31/2015">

You don't have to declare type and required status if you don't want to, but the feature is there IF you want tighter typing. (There is no compiler to check up-front, it's still dynamic, but I imagine a "lint" like warning system could be built that can spot suspicious type usage before a run.)

Note that ColdFusion has no (detectable) type "tag", and validation is done by parsing, or what resembles parsing. It perhaps may use tags under the hood for performance reasons, but they are not visible to programmers. (Thus, a clone interpreter without tags would produce the same result, ignoring performance.)

That simplifies things in my opinion. It's "WYSIWYG" typing. Tag-based typing is trickier to manage in my opinion. I much prefer tag-free (including my mattress). ColdFusion thought dynamic typing through.

Comment Re:jobs for all these new trainees to fill? (Score 1) 149

We can't place the number of graduates we currently have into even remotely well paying, long term, jobs.

I believe the prez is making one or more of these mistakes:

1. Mistaking spot shortages for general shortages.

2. He's been bamboozled by visa & outsource lobbyists.

3. He has to blame sluggish wages on something, and lack of STEM workers makes a good scapegoat excuse because it's complicated to verify and has lots of caveats, making plenty of political wiggle room if he needs to walk it back.

I don't have enough info yet to make a good guess selection from these 3. I suspect a combo. Your speculation is welcome...

Comment Re:I choose MS SQL Server [Backups] (Score 1) 320

Is your rudeness necessary? It solves nothing.

It hasn't worked for us, and others have reported similar on forums. There are round-about work-arounds, but they have a lot of layers and dependencies. Not worth risk to save a buck.

Note I am talking about automatic periodic backups, not one-time manual backups.

(My apologies if this message shows up twice. The first didn't appear for some reason after submitting. I can't rule out Mondayitus.)

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