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Comment Re: skynet (Score 3, Insightful) 291

In such cases you take the requirements document and fulfill it exactly. Then , when the customer says "but its broke and doesn't do.." you pull out the requirements and say "it does everything you asked us to do, anything further is additional development and will be billed accordingly".

Why else do you think government IT contracts cost so much? Why else do you think Agile was invented?

The core problem is that the customer doesn't know how to achieve successful delivery, they need to be educated in fundamental agile processes, of iterative development to evolving requirements (and by evolve, I mean "as the customer figures out what they want".

I used to have similar problems with a customer, but fortunately I had a contact who knew the business. When I received the stupid requirements, I'd phone him and ask what they really meant. Then I'd develop what he said and deliver it to the customer who was always happy, not matter how far from the written spec it was (it helped that my contact was a senior guy at the customer or it wouldn't have worked)

Comment Re:Hopefully the applicants had a relevent backrou (Score 2) 809

Sortof, I find that the situation is:

You work on technology X for a while, you learn it inside and out, and you expect everyone else who is "qualified" knows what you know. but they moved on from that technology a couple of years ago and now only want to develop in Java/Erlang/Ruby/Node/Scala (* delete as applicable as depending on which year this decade you were hiring).

even more mature technologies like .NET are stuffed full of so much churn that no-one really has time to become a master of any of it. Like my mate who was brought into a ASP.NET shop, he learned their tech stack, then one day noticed the trunk had changed a lot, so went to ask the architects who said "oh yes, we decided to move forward with our DB tech, so we're using a repository pattern now". So he goes and learns all about that, does some work on a branch, then goes to merge and... its all changed again. So goes to see the architects who say "ooh no, we decided repository pattern wasn't good enough so we've changed to using entity framework". Now that shop was just stupid, but to a lesser extent this is what is happening all over the industry.

For example, this guy is getting burnt by it.

Whilst I agree that change is necessary to keep things progressing, we're almost in a throwaway culture in ITT where everything we ever did is not good enough and has to be replaced. While there are forces pushing against this (for example, all the people who want to do the big rewrite now know its a bad idea) we still have change via refactoring and flavour-of-the-month tech patterns and frameworks pushed at us.

Only when the industry gets the idea that stable is a good thing and making products is what we should be focussed on doing (ie not changing tech all the time) will this industry be as good career as the other engineering professions.

Comment Re:Hidden views (Score 1) 69

Then lie. If anyone asks, you just say "oh that, I put it on to prevent identity theft, anyone claiming to be me would not have provably correct information, I always send my correct CV to employers if I apply for a job", leaving out the implicit "fool you for looking at shit on the internet and assuming it was always true".

Comment Re:How does it make money? (Score 2) 69

Now they have flipped it so you get a credit back if you get a response.

Hmm.. so now I'm wondering if its better to keep ignoring those crappy job emails I keep getting to cost the recruiters when they spam me, or to respond to them to stop LinkedIn gaining revenue from my presence.

tricky one....

Comment Re:Backdoor collusion (Score 1) 88

Mostly pointless though, full encryption for data comms is often worthless - who cares about encrypted comms if all you're doing is looking at pictures of cats. When you're posting subversion messages criticising your local dictator, you need something better than plain old encryption anyway.

Now working with certificate authorities to manage revoked certificates is a good thing, but many of the problems with CAs are a more human problem - until we get to a point where encryption is seen as different to authentication (and even then, my comms with my bank might be encrypted but I need to know that it is my bank I'm talking to as well) and that the CA correctly handed that certificate to my bank, and not some scammer pretending to be my bank. And allowing my bank to verify that it is me that is sending them requests and not some identity thief.

The point I'm trying to make is that encryption isn't the problem that need to be solved, it all the infrastructure around it that does. Mandatory encryption isn't any solution to anything useful.

Comment Re:1/2 requests,2x throughput, stop POST-Redirect- (Score 1) 88

I think you're confusing the protocol verbs with a heap of javabollocks on the back end.

In most systems GET occurs much more often than POST, and if you're returning to a system after logging off, you'll be doing a lot of GETs just to restore your environment (or page view).

I think a POST+GET optimisation would be nice, but it would be an optimisation, a little like how some DBs have a 'insert, or update if already exists' statement. But you can already return data from a POST, it does break the concept but it works. Just slap the new data in the body and let the client read it if it wants, so maybe the protocol doesn't need any modification at all (your crappy framework code might though, but that's too bad for using those "easy-to-use" frameworks)

Submission + - Official - Big Brother really is listening (

gbjbaanb writes: When even the manufacturer of your TV tells you not to discuss personal information in listening distance of your TV, you know our technology has gone crazy, but that's exactly what Samsung is telling its customers of its own smart TVs.

[Samsung's] policy explains that the TV set will be listening to people in the same room to try to spot when commands are issued. It goes on to warn: "If your spoken words include personal or other sensitive information, that information will be among the data captured and transmitted to a third party."

Comment Document first (Score 5, Insightful) 233

So, figure out the layers or logical components between each module and then you will be able to chew smaller chunks.

Then, doxygen the whole lot, making sure to use dot to create the graphs for callers and callees. This will let you see the interaction points so you can see what impact a change in one method will have (ie which callers you have to check).

Some people will say "write unit tests" but frankly, it never works with a legacy code base, to effectively unit test you have to write your code differently to how you'd normally do it. You don't have that luxury here. So a good integration test suite should be developed to test the functionality of the whole thing, then you can repeat it to make sure your changes still work. Its not as instant as unit testing (but more effective) so you'll have to invest in a build system that regularly builds and runs the (automated) integration test and tells you the results - and commit changes reasonably regularly so you can isolate changes that end up breaking the system.

The rest of the task is simply hard work running through how it works and understanding it. There's no short-cuts to working hard, sorry.

Comment Re:.NET applications on Linux? (Score 2) 253

I do... but then my customers are public sector (police, EMS) who can;t afford to keep replacing their systems every few years.

This is why I advocate multiple tier applications, like the MVC boys but without their "all-in-one project" mentality. Then you can write your server side stuff in a mature, reliable language and give some kids an API that they can use to build flashy GUIs in flash or javascript or whatever fashionable toy they like this month.

And, strangely enough, everybody is happy with this approach - the kids who get to play with new toys, the elders who get to keep a solid application running, and the bosses who get reliability and flashy at the same time!

So throw away your MVC frameworks and templates and embrace the service architecture.

Comment Re:Cool but... (Score 2) 253

The new Windows is the cloud, or Azure as they call it. They want you to write your GUI for a mobile/web/whatever device and then have it connect to all-Microsoft stuff on Azure, along with Microsoft adverts and Microsoft appstore etc.

They've basically stopped believing that Windows is the only platform that gives them lock-in. Now all platforms will be lock-in!

Comment Re:.NET applications on Linux? (Score 1, Interesting) 253

Sorry no, WPF is the new Silverlight. Microsoft wants you to use HTML5+js (which isn;t much different from XAML+c# anyway).

They are pushing Cordova now, the Visual Studio addin that gives you support for that can do you cross platform GUIs (and on phone) and they are saying its the best way to create "Metro" apps. Expect more of this rather than WPF that is crippled partly by poor performance and partly by infghting between the Microsoft teams.

Comment Re:Oh look, it's the Java killer... (Score 3, Interesting) 253

Not this time, the new guy has decided that selling Windows is no longer the lock-in platform that makes us all buy Microsoft stuff.

Now, the Microsoft stuff they want use to all buy is services, and that means they have to supply said services across every platform possible.

So, open source .NET in the hope that it'll be cheaper to port it (ie you'll do it for them) and then all those lovely .NET apps that use things like Azure and Microsoft Ads will be ported to Linux and Mac and Microsoft can reap the revenue from more people consuming their services.

Its the same story really, only this time the lock-in has shifted slightly away from Windows.

Comment Re:Then buy a used PC (Score 1) 355

.... does the job, has a solid toolchain, and coupled with years of development experience globally and in-house, then you don't just throw that all in the trash because something newer/faster/smaller/cheaper comes out

You don't work with Windows development shops then!!

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