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Comment Re:It's the universe trying to stop us innit... (Score 1) 57

In order to meaningfully emulate the RTC, the host still needs a real RTC, much like in order to emulate a CPU, the host needs a real CPU. Whether or not the host is warping the timesource for the emulated RTC or just uses the real one as its backend, i don't see how that's relevant to insulation

Comment Re:It's the universe trying to stop us innit... (Score 1) 57

The universe does not need to stop us, because from the inside of it you can never prove you have the faintest idea of the way it is implemented, even if you got to model and understand every single particle and every single interaction. Does an insulated VM run on intel or on powerpc or on a commodore 64 with a hell of a RAM expansion? no way to know from the inside of it.

Pretty sure that with a bit of timing measurement, you could tell apart a C64 from recent Intel. Identifying other, more subtle details of the host might be more difficult, but not impossible.

You're right in that there's no way to actually prove anything about it.

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