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Comment Re:Yes, I agree (Score 1) 564

I guess Microsoft wants to shield the user from accidentally running across the oh-so-utterly-complicated and highly technical concept of 'files'.

It's Much Nicer(TM) to think of your stuff in terms of "this is a picture, that is a game, that is a cat video", and being completely oblivious of that all those magic little things generalize to 'a bunch of application-interpreted data with a name'. Encouraging whitespace in file^Wmagic thing names also hints into this direction.

Microsoft is probably well aware of the fact that showing extensions by default would help the luser spotting attempts of tricking them, but this is apparently not as important as providing a "magical" computing experience.

Comment Re:I strongly disagree. (Score 1) 95

I like how you say something dumb, get called out for it, and then follow up with random statements completely unrelated to your original point... But i truly lost it at

If there is a failure of the "command channel" in the table, everything I said is correct.

(not only because it's complete nonsense)
Please quit posting on /. forever. Thanks.

Comment Re:How is a HDD firmware written? (Score 1) 324

The firmware is either stored on flash memory, or more recently, on the drive itself. Only a small bootloader is still in flash/rom of the controller

That sounds like a chicken-egg problem. If the drive can access the platters without firmware, what's the point of the firmware then? Or if the 'small bootloader' can actually access the platters, then what does it need to read the 'real thing' from the platters for?

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