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Comment Re:The Amazon AppStore Auto-consent (Score 0) 137

If there was any arguing, it was on your part only. I honestly dont care if anyone agrees or not. I'm right. Period. If someone is too stupid to realize that, its their problem not mine.

So 2 posts is "too much"? If i try to post a 3rd time i get the delay. I wouldn't call 3 posts in a row too much, and the operators here can take their limit and shove it..

Comment Re:The Amazon AppStore Auto-consent (Score 1) 137

How is making an honest observation 'name calling'? You sound like a child, so i used the term. Even if you are not in age, you do have the mind of a child.

"dumbass child" would have been name calling. Besides, who was arguing? I was simply stating reality.

And for the record, this 'required time between' posts is ludicrous. Some of us can think faster than that..

Comment Re:The Amazon AppStore Auto-consent (Score 0) 137

Frankly, you lowbrow types are really annoying with your constant screeches of "take responsibility." How about have an original thought, goober?

Sounds like your parents failed too. And, as far as me calling someone i dont know a 'bad parent', i dont need to know him ( or her ). He clearly gave an example of bad his parenting skills.

Want to try again, child?

Comment Re:The Amazon AppStore Auto-consent (Score -1, Troll) 137

that was when the kids discovered it and went on a spending spree.

Sounds like you dont make a very good parent. Typical to blame others for your incompetency. You ( and many others ) have raised heathen children with no respect. You are the problem, not amazon.

What is next, blame Ford because your kid was able to steal your keys off your dresser and wreck the car while you are sleeping? Or blame the garden center for selling you the rocks your children use to throw at passing cars? Step up and be a parent.

Comment Techincally, its right (Score 1) 255

Ultimately you are responsible for the traffic that exits your PC. Sure, if you are infected with a virus, you have a potential 'out' but if you *allow* it, then not so much.

The "VW" analogy in the story line, is ludicrous. If you want to use a car analogy; its like letting your friends store gym bags in your trunk while you drive cross country. You didnt ask what was in the bags, but know there could be drugs..

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