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Comment The same argument has probably been made (Score 1) 627

The same argument has probably been made back when engineers were switching from punch cards to text editors. All of it has happened before, and all of it will happen again. To me, it's not what you use, it's what you do with it. I work in an environment where most people use vi or emacs to program in C++. I can code circles around them in Eclipse, even though it's not "cool", with less effort, and better code in the end (thanks to refactoring features and code tooltips). I do use vi as well, for smaller, simpler changelists. But for something a couple hundred lines or more - forget about it.

Comment Except, of course, Microsoft is not a "technocracy (Score 2) 293

Except, of course, Microsoft is not a "technocracy", and it hasn't been that for a very long time. Let me remind you, for the past decade the company was run by a completely non-technical guy with a sales background. At Microsoft the fast track to the management ladder is to become a program manager (PM for short), or to be one right from the start. PMs promote and hire still more PMs, to the point where you get 1:1 PM/Dev ratio, and they do nothing but report status to one another.

Therein lies just one of Microsoft's major problems. All this entrenched (and unnecessary) old boy network needs to be dismantled first and foremost. Nadella is not going to do that. So Microsoft will be just as fucked as it was before, because this is a prerequisite for any kind of forward progress over there.

Comment Snowball's chance in hell to get adopted (Score 1, Interesting) 255

Google can't even serve Youtube using codecs currently supported by its own browser. There is a mode to switch to HTML5 video, but some of the videos require Flash anyway. Besides Google does not indemnify the potential users of VP9 against potential patent infringement, so it's only slightly better than just grabbing an h265 codec and linking against it without first obtaining a license. It's a patent mine field of epic proportions, and if you're going to pay for patents, you might as well get the real deal supported by Microsoft and Apple out of the box, including low-power silicon and GPU support. For Google VP9 makes sense, since they already license MPEG LA IP, so they can both encode and decode with VP9 without attracting legal attention.

Aside from search and ads, Google is all about basically building the fist 80% (sometimes less) of something and then throwing it over the wall to the unwashed masses, or, alternatively, milking the PR in perpetuity. Glass, self-driving car, robots - all PR projects that will not yield a successful product in the foreseeable future. Android and Chrome are basically means of protecting the ad revenue. Youtube's sole purpose is to show you those stupid pre-roll ads. Flash shows them just fine, which is why HTML5 video has been in beta for quite a while now.

Comment Re:Reading comprehension fail ... (Score 1) 135

This misattribution has always irked me: he won't _design_ anything. The engineers he hired will design something. All too often you see on the resumes of managers that they "designed" or "launched" or "created" something when they quite obviously didn't do any of that. They hire and manage teams. The best of them are able to provide input to the process. But they don't actually do any of it by themselves, and they should be more careful with attribution.

Comment I like inequality (Score 2, Insightful) 272

Am I the only one who likes inequality? Not to the extend that it exists today, but it's pretty much the only thing that makes most folks to get out of bed in the morning: the hope that they'll be better off than those that skip the "getting out of bed and going to work" part. That's why inventors invent, researchers research, directors direct, actors act, writers write, software engineers code, and folks at Boeing make airplanes and space ships. What would be their motivation if no matter what they did, they'd still be "equal" to someone who sits on his ass all day and does nothing? There are not one but several large scale examples that equality does not work. Russia, pre-capitalism China just the two largest ones. And not working was a crime in those countries, punishable by jail time.

Why must everything be the lowest common denominator?

Comment In related news, (Score 1) 64

The number of orders at Lamborghini and Ferrari has just doubled for the next few years. Keep in mind that at least half (if not two thirds) of this money will inevitably be stolen. That's just how "business" is done over there. IRS would have a field day discovering the discrepancies between what folks officially make, and what they actually spend.

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