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Comment Re:Waste (Score 1) 170

The UN disagrees with what you say. There are reports that come out every year that says World Hunger is going away over time. Every bit we can donate helps it go away faster. And if you think about it: Look at first world countries, the more wealth a country has, generally the lower the birth rates are.

Comment Re:Waste (Score 1) 170

I'm not faulting Notch. There's something about sending the message to kids that you can live large doing computer science stuff. But what you said are things that are tools to make more money. If you want to sacrifice your entire life to live for the poor because it is a noble thing to do, you don't simply give everything you have to live on to the poor. If you do that, you become a problem yourself and can no longer make money. What you do is live on only necessities to get by on and classify things as tools to make more money. One such investment is an education, you should always be getting one now the Internet affords it. The money and time you save in entertainment can help you get a better education.

Comment Re:Regardless of age, we all have a bright future. (Score 2) 286

1 Corinthians 15:19 GNT
If our hope in Christ is good for this life only and no more, then we deserve more pity than anyone else in all the world.

Thankfully God let me know he is real so I know Jesus Christ is real. He wants us all to be good to each other, and love each other. I think most people would agree that this world needs more love.

Comment Anyone remember the Visual Basic fad? (Score 1) 153

Sure, we had Java at the time, but for some reason Visual Basic caught on big time in the late 90s. After going to school for software engineering, I had to completely remember how to program in subs. Subs are just like functions, except you need to remember to never use the same loop variable you used in the parent subs :P

Comment I'm surprised online ads work at all. (Score 1) 190

One of my ideas was for a gaming network where you played online video games, and you split ad revenue between the player and yourself.

I then wanted to simplify the system and just have a streaming network where you watched advertisements and got paid. The problem is that someone could simply turn it on and walk away from their computer and there's no way to know they watched the ads. The same thing is going on with bots. Anyone can say they watched ads or clicked on ads with computer, and until you solve a way to determine if someone is actually sitting there watching the ads, your system is open to exploitation.

Comment RIAA sues EVERYONE, news at 11 (Score 1) 187

Until courts will stop rewarding RIAA for suing every backwater bar, video game streamer, internet provider, or anyone who plays their music at a party, they'll keep suing everyone. Hey, the music industry isn't as profitable as it was before the free transmission of information, so lets sue anyone who allows free transmission of information. If those buggy whip makers only were as sue happy then as the RIAA is now, maybe some people would still be using horse drawn carriages because cars could have been sued away before they gained ground.

Comment I know it is privacy invasive,how far can they go? (Score 1) 93

Okay, police are tracking people on their cell phone. So they should know if you're in a car traveling with someone else. So they should be able to make like "facebook friends" of all the people who travel with you. If someone reports your car's license plate, they probably could just feasibly link that to your phone on a simple 1:1 database search and stop you down the road if you're driving erratically.

This makes me wonder how the public could contribute... Has anyone thought of, just for getting a full panopticon feel and a reverse likes of making a website that links bad driving with your license plate number? All you would do is take a video of a car driving bad in front of you, then upload it to a video sharing site, link it with the license plate on a searchable website. Suddenly all the bad driving someone does is now logged permanently on the Internet.

Now cops could "randomly" be browsing the worst offenders, and just "happen to be the the area" (by linking drivers licence to cell phone records against bad drivers within 1 mile of a patrol car), and hand out reckless tickets.

Comment Many people have had this idea before (Score 2) 33

Many people have had this idea before, so it is just the execution that matters.

If I'm correct, this is Little Big Planet meets MMORPGs on player run servers. This idea generally always starts with,"Imagine if everyone could make their own levels and people could go from server to server with the same character." But then the realization that hackers could do what they want with your player data when you entered the server makes a game designer then go,"Okay, so let everyone design the rules on their own server then since hackers will do it if we don't". The cool part is if you allow monetization of player made Objects which sell in a global store across all servers. The owner of the object created and the game company would split revenue. There's some details about how things could be hacked to spawn free items, but a little thought could quell the hackers on this front.

The coolest part is that you could have games which are like Skyrim, but there would be live gamemaster(s) there. They could then have you interact with NPCs with live dialogue or do things a computer game alone wouldn't be able to reason. People could be in serious demand of a game where they are playing with a live game master because there might be continual end game after being capped with equipment.

Between charging for objects people made in Blender and uploaded to the game development team to be put on the market, and people charging for monthly access to their server, the creative minds could make enough for rent on this game. And once creative minds developing new worlds are making revenue, there's no stopping how in depth the games get. This in turn draws more players and developers in too.

For the past year I've been saying the future of video games is video games with quality map makers like Little Big Planet, but sharing revenue with the creators of the new content.

Comment Competition gets sued (Score 1) 135

I've heard many stories of successful municipality competitors to major ISPs, but they got sued because the state should not be allowed to compete with monopolies. In fact no one can compete with monopolies because they are the ones who can afford legislation to write the rules. You have more than one problem here. One: The politicians are corrupt because of campaign contributions makes them bribed and in someone's pocket (or they won't get elected). Two: You have a system with no competition.

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