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Comment Many people have had this idea before (Score 2) 33

Many people have had this idea before, so it is just the execution that matters.

If I'm correct, this is Little Big Planet meets MMORPGs on player run servers. This idea generally always starts with,"Imagine if everyone could make their own levels and people could go from server to server with the same character." But then the realization that hackers could do what they want with your player data when you entered the server makes a game designer then go,"Okay, so let everyone design the rules on their own server then since hackers will do it if we don't". The cool part is if you allow monetization of player made Objects which sell in a global store across all servers. The owner of the object created and the game company would split revenue. There's some details about how things could be hacked to spawn free items, but a little thought could quell the hackers on this front.

The coolest part is that you could have games which are like Skyrim, but there would be live gamemaster(s) there. They could then have you interact with NPCs with live dialogue or do things a computer game alone wouldn't be able to reason. People could be in serious demand of a game where they are playing with a live game master because there might be continual end game after being capped with equipment.

Between charging for objects people made in Blender and uploaded to the game development team to be put on the market, and people charging for monthly access to their server, the creative minds could make enough for rent on this game. And once creative minds developing new worlds are making revenue, there's no stopping how in depth the games get. This in turn draws more players and developers in too.

For the past year I've been saying the future of video games is video games with quality map makers like Little Big Planet, but sharing revenue with the creators of the new content.

Comment Competition gets sued (Score 1) 135

I've heard many stories of successful municipality competitors to major ISPs, but they got sued because the state should not be allowed to compete with monopolies. In fact no one can compete with monopolies because they are the ones who can afford legislation to write the rules. You have more than one problem here. One: The politicians are corrupt because of campaign contributions makes them bribed and in someone's pocket (or they won't get elected). Two: You have a system with no competition.

Comment This is a people vs monopolitic corporations issue (Score 0) 127

It is the vast popular opinion of the people that they want Network Neutrality. The monopolistic corporations however feel that extortion of websites to pay up or get slowed down should be legal. The question isn't whether campaign contributions corrupt a democracy because we're all finding it that bribing politicians shouldn't be legal like it is. The question is,"Just how far do the people with all the money want to screw things up?"

Comment I'm a dude who knows Jesus is real. (Score 1) 187

I'm trusting in my Bro in Heaven to not only let me live forever, but for there to be no suffering, all my loved ones to be there, and some epic immersive video games. You gotta think that he's the most creative force. He could make us each captain of a star ship to explore a universe more populated with better situations than you see Earthly writers come up with. Of course, any fantasy we can imagine will be lesser than what God has in store for us in Heaven. God wants to fulfill our desires more than we know how to put in words. All he asks is that down here on Earth that we do good to everyone and love them, helping the people in bad situations.

Comment I love recruiters, but they're basically useless. (Score 1) 253

I've talked with hundreds of recruiters in the past 11 years. They've only managed to get me two or three interviews. And from what I hear from my friend who hires, recruiters try and throw something out of control on top your salary like 25%. So in the rare situation they do get you an interview, it is even more rare they can get you a job. The only sane approach to getting hired is to apply directly to companies.

Comment Could be good if just for legal mumbo jumbo (Score 3, Interesting) 136

There is a limit on how many CC a gasoline powered bicycle's engine can be just because of random laws in the USA. If you look to China, a great deal of people get around cheaply on a bicycle with gasoline powered engines. But we can't, because we have laws. Now if you turn your bicycle electric, it will be heavier, more inefficient, but there are no ways of measuring how many CC an electric motor has ^^. Voila, sneak around the laws, and maybe you have a market for this.

Comment You learn in college that student loans are bogus (Score 1) 331

Econ 101: If you increase demand for something, price goes up. When people got access to "free money", more demand happens for 2ndary education, so the price just inflates to match it.

Peddling debt to minors is illegal, as should catching them right into their first steps of adulthood. It should be illegal to allow kids to go into debt until they're at least 21, maybe 23.

Comment 6$/month for Television with commercials? (Score 0) 85

What they put on television isn't worth watching even without commercials. The only way you're getting me watching CBS is if they pay me. And they could if they worked their business model out to share half the advertising revenue with the watcher. Sure it'd be very tricky in technical details to make sure someone is watching and not just spawning a bunch of processes, but advertising where you share revenue with your viewers could be done. Some fringe video game sites are doing stuff like this already.

Comment Re:Apple always has been in schools (Score 1) 143

An ap for education could be:
For starters: You basically make an interactive math work book. The tricky part is evaluating where your student is making mistakes and instruct them to their errors and the correct way to do it.

I've always been interested in AI and how it could teach future generations, but I realized that we don't need AI to make good educational work book style aps. Another thing to do is to place your user's level of competence, so they don't all start with ABCs and counting. Some people who failed out of highschool would love to sit down and be educated. There are websites that do this to a degree, but since everything is in its infancy, now's the time to make an all inclusive ap. It'd take a long time to code, but if you could market it when it is new and teaches some stuff, you could have revenue to push you through it.

The long vision is that if you educate people, they might eventually be your doctor down the road or a disease researcher. The more educated minds we have in this world, the better society is. Also countries with poor education are all getting cell phones now. As cell phone prices go down, they'll eventually all have smart phones. You might be the best teacher some poor African kid gets... And if that kid was really driven to learn on your ap, he could become a great mind. The key is that someone needs to sit down and make really good educational aps. Or maybe the MOOC universities will get organized and come to cell phones...

The future looks bright in technology. Now only if we could all learn to love each other so we wouldn't have wars.

Comment Apple always has been in schools (Score 4, Interesting) 143

I remember back in the 80s with Apple IIes everywhere. I liked my c64 at home, but Apple IIe were maybe the first computer some kids could put their hands on. Since I was just a kid, I didn't appreciate that at the time. So instead of being a mentor to lift other people up in their computer skills, I just wanted to play what little games there were and program little programs. I think a lot of us might have so much computer skills in relation to others that we don't give a first thought to just hosting a class in the local library. I'm sure a lot of us could help people not get scammed as easily on the Internet at least. Or maybe someone could make aps for education.

I waxed philosophical on maybe we should teach more over just using ourselves, but Apple has a long history of donating tons of computers. Whether or not you think it was a smart move to invest in their own future, it definitely put computers in kids hands who maybe never touched one before.

Comment Not sure why people get vocal on Creationism. (Score 1) 1007

There are many different theologies on Creationism. Some of which have no problem with evolution or an older universe. Arguing one as being correct and the others wrong isn't a wise undertaking.

I think more people should focus on the love commandment from Jesus. Anyone can see that the world needs more love.

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