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Comment I think there's a lot of open road here. (Score 1) 33

They say if you could design a biobot that identifies cells as one type or the other, you could design custom antibodies, or even something that targets cancer.

The road is a long road though. First you need some sort of standard cell that won't be owned by the body's immune response, and apparently these guys use stuff from your own body? Then you need to figure a way to put some computing in it. Then you need to program its receptors to detect what it interacts with. You need to make enough of them to be useful in the body. And if there is a bug in your code, you could really hose someone over. The code for the system might not even involve electronics but custom mini biological computing proteins.

At least this is what I understand the state of affairs is. The goal is a good goal, but it seems there's a long long road before you can get to anything useful for general medical purposes.

Submission + - Microsoft takes down NOIP claiming cybercrime

GoodNewsJimDotCom writes: Hello,

I just released a game yesterday that used NOIP and today people can't use the cloud saves because Microsoft took down NOIP.

Cybercrime on Microsoft windows wouldn't be a problem if Microsoft just designed their Operating System to be virus resistant.

From what I can tell, Microsoft acted without a court order.

Comment Some things I've noticed (Score 3, Insightful) 305

Depending on what policy a politician wants to push he can cite either traditional economics or Keynesian economics as part of his speel to push a bill. Economists are conflicting in their advice. Sure you can make a real good case for aiming for a surplus because that is good for the nation in the long run. But a lot of politicians are in it for their own personal gain in the short run. They'll borrow from the debt, have a spending party that feels good for a short run, but put the nation in a worse state for the long run. It is unsustainable and only benefits the elite who get crony deals.

Also scientists are supposed to be pretty unbiased, but the marketing people who use their unbiased data will take it out of context. A marketing person can tell you to put radioactive waste on your face because science has said it gives you a radiant glow. You think I joke, but I saw Lucky Charms touted as a health food on tv some years ago because a science study said oats are good for the heart and Lucky Charms has oat pieces. On top of that, it's not hard think there are times where scientists also get pressure from the corporation funding their science to give them the results they want. Just like economists might get pressure too.

Submission + - Slashdot reader just finished a video game: Throne and Crown (kongregate.com)

GoodNewsJimDotCom writes: You can play a free video game: Throne and Crown HERE
I spent 4 years on the engine, and 1 year on this game. Explore around a bunch. A weakness of the game is that people aren't finding the early zones easily. I overestimated how much people would be jazzed up about general exploration. The game just got published today. I hope you enjoy it. ,Jim

Comment Some people would like to outlaw the Internet (Score 5, Insightful) 210

There are people who make money with outdated systems that technology decimates. These horse and buggy people would love to see the Internet removed completely. This is why you see places like NBC not streaming the Olympics to everyone on the Internet, but only to cable subscribers. Sure NBC could make a boat load by putting localized advertisements in. People would have made out too if NBC put the Olympics on the Internet because they could watch the events they want when they want instead of waking up at 2 am. NBC is in bed with Comcast though and just wants more cable subscriptions instead of providing a quality service. And Comcast is afraid that if people stream quality programming, that more people will cord cut. So there's little incentive for Comcast to provide better Upload/Download speed. The RIAA from what I hear is making tons of money suing everyone they can, even local places in the sticks are getting sued for using non licensed music in karaoke. Some people would benefit if the Internet ceased to exist completely. This is the same as people who would have benefited if the automobile never got invented.

Comment We keep getting closer to a dystopia (Score 4, Insightful) 135

Prosecutor,"Yah, you're going to jail for downloading some crappy movie."

You,"But I never downloaded that movie."

Prosecutor,"Lets hear your defense."

You,"I run a free wifi spot for people who want to check the net when they're out and about."

Prosecutor,"You should have never said that fellow. You're responsible for what other people do on your router. So lets see what other criminal activities they did before we sentence you to just a couple years of jail."

There's an alternative dialogue that involves a guy who clicks on links he finds on Twitter and Facebook and doesn't realize he watched copyrighted material.

Comment Scammers always looking for a target (Score 0) 61

Scammers are some of the scum of the Earth because they think it is okay to do evil to their fellow man if it benefits them monetarily.

I used to use dating sites. Laugh it up, you're allowed. I lost a true love to stupidity once. Anyway in the process of using dating sites for 3 years, I would only get about a 1/70 ratio of people I message. One girl came on strong with a pet nam and I was a little worried, but hey I'll talk with whoev until it gets weird. Anyway it culminates with her being stuck in the UK and no way to get a plane ticket to the states unless I sent her money. I called her out that this sounds like a scam, and that was the last I ever heard from her.

Anyway, one of the reasons for me stopping to use dating sites is that if God has someone for me, he'll hook me up, otherwise, I can work my butt off and have more to help the poor. There's more to life than just getting married and raising kids, though that is a cool part of it.

Comment Big Oil wins (Score 1) 268

Big oil and your standard energy providers win if our electricity bills are going up. They're going up by 50% now around where I live. They figure,"Hey one way to compete with the electric car is to make it as expensive to fill up your electric car as buying gasoline." and it will work for the short run.

Comment Re:I had a cool idea for asteroid collection (Score 1) 65

Right, that is the standard approach. Use hydrogen with particle accelerators which people are calling ion engines now.

It is just that the asteroids produce an interesting situation where if you had a rock cannon, you could use the asteroids as propellant. It is probably a bad idea though because it is like wasting asteroid material which could be used for research. Another idea would to have a sort of "leaping" robot which wouldn't deplete the asteroid's mass, but would jump from asteroid to asteroid without the loss of solid fuel. Sure it'd still need to use a little bit of fuel with conventional fuel if its leaping calculations were off to the next asteroid.

Its just a fun thought exercise when to acquire solid mass material doesn't require fighting a large gravitational pull.

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