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Comment Re:It's the Windows Installer's fault (Score 1) 577

and you can say good buy to.

your email app from being able to see any office files.

no more flash , java , quicktime and more on the web.

adobe apps can't work with each other

no more visual pinball working with pinmame (at least both are open source and can have both join to one app)

IDE / codeing apps may be come hard to do.

No more NV or ATI driver apps

games can't have mods or map editors.

need I go on?


Kano Ships 18,000 Learn-To-Code Computer Kits 53

drkim writes Kano Computing is a startup that plays in the learn-to-code space by adding a step-by-step, hand-holding layer atop the Raspberry Pi to make learning about computational thinking child's play. Kano has now shipped all the hardware kits in its first batch of crowdfunded orders and pre-orders. That's around 18,000 kits in all, co-founder Alex Klein confirmed to TechCrunch. The lion's share of the first batch of Kano kits — almost 13,000 kits — were ordered via its Kickstarter campaign last year, with a further 5,000 pre-orders taken via its website. The kits cost $99 (plus shipping) to crowdfunder backers, or around $160 (plus shipping) if pre-ordered on the Kano website. The company plans to focus on selling mainly via its own web channel from here on in, according to Alex.

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