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Comment Re:How are those kind of things patentable? (Score 1) 406

Part of the problem is that once you know what to do, the how is trivial.

This might also be the one differentiating factor between patents with merit (like the mpeg stuff and rsa) and the whole crap that gets into the technews so often (like oneclick, shopping cart, slide-to-unlock, etc).

Comment Re:goto fail (Score 0) 101

It's similar to some of the bugs that the NSA/GCHQ have inserted in the past. Knowing this we should really make compilers detect this kind of error.

Or they should just reject the goto command. This kind of issue could never have happened if the developer would have used properly structured code.

Comment Re:Details of bug (Score 3, Insightful) 101

Apple never "switched away" from openssl, they shipped their own implementation with the very first version of Mac OS X. They only packaged openssl with the system for other apps to use. I actually rewrote the XMPP encryption stuff in Adium to use the security framework instead of openssl way back in 2007, since that allowed me to use the built-in system dialogs for presenting certificates.

Comment Re:goto fail (Score 1) 101

No one uses GCC on Apple anymore so its really irrelevant. We've moved on to compilers that don't suck ass. GCC remains for fanboys but thats about it.

Tell that to certain tools coming from Linux that rely on STL interas only available in the GCC version of STL...

I'd give up my left testicle if Apple would magically port and start using Visual Studio in OSX though. I can't stand dealing with Windows anymore, but god I long for an IDE that doesn't suck ass.

I know quite a few Mac developers that say exactly the opposite ("I'd port my Mac app to Windows, if there was an IDE that didn't suck ass...").

Comment Re:Thing is (Score 1) 146

What probably also didn't help was that it's a first-person shooter, which is a genre where you tend to turn quickly a lot.

I guess it would have been fine if the caching would have been less aggressive on the view-dependency. I don't understand how id thought that this level of quality was acceptable for release.

Comment Re:pretty quick on the C++14 support (Score 5, Informative) 118

Huh? QCreator, Netbeans and Eclipse C/C++ IDEs are fully integrated with GCC, including both debugging and compilation.

What Xcode can do is integrate llvm with autocompletion. For example, if you do a switch statement on an enum-value, it autocompletes the possible enum constants after you type "case". After the first entry, it automatically removes the constants you already used from the list of possibilities.

Xcode also does perfect autocompletion (method names, parameter types, etc.) of types derived from C++ templates, which simply isn't possible without compiling the file. This even works as you change the same file those templates are declared in.

Other things include the analyzer, which tells you about issues that arise on certain input conditions. When you click on an issue, Xcode visually displays the flow through the program to arrive at the undesired end result using arrows.

Comment Re:My dog is broken... (Score 1) 222

And further to that note: my parents had a dog that could tell when my brother (diabetic) had low blood sugar. They had three dogs at that time and one of them would bark in the middle of the night if he was low. He could somehow tell while sleeping in their bedroom that he was having trouble from across the house. My guess is that his scent changed and the dog was especially sensitive to it, but that is pure speculation on my part.

It's very likely that the blood sugar level has effects on the sweat consistency, and humans perspire a lot while sleeping. Considering that dogs are used to sniff out people under a few meters of snow in an open area with a lot of wind, it's very likely that this is an easy task for a dog, once it understands that the difference is important enough to bark about.

Comment Re:Can't rely on the law then (Score 1) 239

Make sure your data is not stored outside your control by someone who could at least in theory read it

You need to be a cryptography expert in order to do that. Even then, it's not a sure thing, since you can't prove that somebody doesn't have a certain piece of information.

Except when you live alone on a small island and don't communicate with anybody.

Comment Re:Sounds like a problem... (Score 2) 507

Yes, I'm from central Europe, and I went to the neighbor country by driving for 45mins, getting my laser eye surgery for half the price and most likely better quality.

However, cosmetic treatments usually are not covered by the insurance at all (unless it's from severe burns to the face or similar), and that includes my surgery as well.

Comment Re:What's the point of a patent then? (Score 1) 80

I'm no fan of the patent wars, but if Samsung played by the rules and filed for patents on the technology before somebody else did, then I don't see how they can be fined for using the legal leverage that goes along with it.

I agree, so maybe it's the system that's broken, and the EU is trying to patch around it (however, since they're still politicians, they most likely won't fix the underlying issue).

How expensive would phones be if micro USB were a single manufacturer's spec to be licensed rather than some industry-agreed standard?

Just like it happened with FireWire, nobody would use it.

Comment Re:Officials learn terrorist and criminals use cas (Score 1) 411

I disagree. TOR's solely purpose is to provide anonymity. If they remove that aspect, all that's left of TOR is adding delays to your network connections and allowing exit nodes to sniff your traffic. There is no value left, thus they're destroying it.

Also, considering LOVEINT, there's no reason to assume that you're just anonymous to everyone except the US agencies. The NSA agents have no reason why they wouldn't sell any intel to the highest bidder, since there's no traceability nor accountability (remember that the agents only got caught because they confessed; somebody selling the same info would never do that). I'm pretty sure that there are a lot of US companies that'd love to get their hands on the intel the NSA collects.

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