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Comment Re:Not seeing the issue here (Score 1) 209

Or maybe people dont understand that things you share with a cop, even "off the record", can be on the record. That, too, is a myth that should be dispelled.

Something people need to realise about this is "off the record" is just a social convention, and only really applies to journalist sources. It's a compromise that's seen as necessary for several complex reasons that journalists broadly agre with and cops don't give a damn about.

Comment Re:Wow. This whole sorry clusterfuck sucks (Score 1) 556

I've no idea if other people are representing them as that. This is my impression of these people. Not so much over GG, but over a bunch of other issues that many of the same people champion, where anyone who has the audacity to disagree with them is denounced as a hateful racist sexist who just wants to keep women out.

Perhaps there are some moderate voices inthe anti-GG camp. If so they're getting drowned out by loons, and I'm curious what they object to in gamergate that doesn't apply to the anti-GG crowd. Certainly both sides are guilty of threats, doxxing, and muck-flinging. GG seems to be trying to stamp it out and Anti-GG seems to be pretending it doesn't even exist.

Comment Re:Wow. This whole sorry clusterfuck sucks (Score 1) 556

[citation needed]

I'm not trying to convince you. Believe what you want. This is just the impression I get. Most of the people I've seen speaking out against GG seem to be the politcally correct thought police, and the journalist who are accused of being corrupt.

They wouldn't blush or bluch, whatever that is, they would just shake their heads and wonder how those children became orphans, because surely children with parents would never behave like them.

Even met a teenager? A lot of them are brats. They use the language they do because they want to offend. The fact that the offence of our childhood no longer works means they need to up the ante.

Comment Re:Wow. This whole sorry clusterfuck sucks (Score 1) 556

There are a lot of genuine serious issues. Not that I'm all that into the culture, but I can see the lack of games that appeal to a certain serious hardcore has parallels with other media. Literature fans want deep challenging philosophical concepts, but find the shelves filled with airport thrillers.

Depression Quest is terrible. Wordy and highly preachy with a tedious storyline. Even for a morality semi-interactive story, there are better examples of the genre which have things like plot, and snappy dialogue. No idea why it got the publicity. I think GG may be seeing this as a reward for sex, but it's really just that the journalists and piblishers go to the same parties and the publishers have the ear of the journalists. It's pretty clear that a lot of publishers are very willing to do a lot of hobnobbing with the journalists, and giving some quite expensive gifts. Hell, Ubisoft was giving out Nexus tablets. They exactly weren't doing this out of the kindness of their hearts.

A good chunk of gamergate is made up of teenage kids though, and adults that behave like teenage kids, who really aren't very good at people skills. It's a large part of the gamer demographic. The fixation on certain people within anti-GG really causes the movement problems. Anti-GG is made up largely of very self-righteous professional victims who believe they are always in the right, and know how to spin chlidish abuse to their own ends and manipulate the media into thinking that the same people haven't been turning a blind eye towards doxxing and threats themselves for years.

The other part of it is that the internet itself can be vile! Factions form, and the dogpiling starts. Nobody is actually in control of the online mob and the worst perpetrators of both sides and up being seen as representative as of the whole.

Comment Wow. This whole sorry clusterfuck sucks (Score 3, Informative) 556

Gamergate is a conspiracy theory (although to be fair ethics in game journalism are non-existent). Anti-gamergate is made up mainly of those rich middle class women who think that nerds who have been picked on their entire lives for being nerds are somehow opressing them. The media sides with the media of course.

Gamergate is made up mostly of kids who fling slurs that would make a sailor bluch around on XBox live, and anti-GG seem surprised when their slurs and insults that usually shut down their opponents bounce off. Gamergate, on the other hand feels that they are each owed a personal explanation for each and every point made by any of the main anti-GG side.

I'm leaving out a lot of the more unpleasant aspects from both sides.

Comment If it was that easy, spammers would have done it. (Score 1) 130

Go to usenet, you'll see countless copies of mainstream movies and shows, usually just a few hundred K. In addition a lot of the downloads are pretty poor quality.

Torrent sites don't have that. They have ranking mechanisms and other techniques that allow real users to say whether something is real. They get rid of the crap pretty quickly.

Comment Re:Citizens Arrest? (Score 2) 515

Are you 100% certain that "violating your rights" is an arrestable offence? Can you cite case law and/or statute explicitly stating this?

Be careful with a partiak understanding of the law. It's a complex beast, and a broad understanding of your basic rights doesn't translate into an in-depth understanding of when specific rules apply.

Comment Re:A few facts (Score 1) 135

They want to keep kids off hacking websites. These are not very technically minded people.

So yes. I'll concede that this is probably an overbroad interpretation of "hacking" which is why only 3 ISPs actually listed it as such, and one of them chenged their mind.

"3 private companies miscategorise CCC as 'hacking'" is hardly a major news story.

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