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Comment Re:Karma to burn? (Score 1) 467

You're not confused about anything. I've explained that issue in almost every post and you continue to troll by pretending to be obtuse.

Okay. "I'm confused" is more a polite way of saying for "I think I understand it if I do then your reasoning is fucking stupid"

What gamergate says or does is irrelevant to the media narrative.

No it isn't! If you talk about Feminist Frequency regarding anything other than explicit claims about Sarkeesian makes about GG, then you have nothing to do with ethics in video game journalism. Critique of her ideas is fine. There's a 5 part article in progress dedidcated to just that which I'm sure you're aware of, but that has nothing to do with Gamergate!. GG is inconsistent here! If you're going to talk about Revolution 60 being Green Lit and how terrible a game is, once again, that's fine, but unless you're talking about her abusing her media connections in some way then that has nothing to do with Gamergate!. But since so many Gamergaters fixate over this sort of thing, of course the media is going to think this is what GG is about. And unless you can explain that within the context of ethics in video games then your movement is not about ethics in video games. #NotYourShield is relevant to the narrative, and a really good move. The people behind it know that everything is relevant to the media narrative and they wanted to break the "gamers hate minorities" narrative!

If you re an anti-third-wave-feminist movement then great! More power to you! But then be explicit about it!Say "It's all about ethics in video games and the complex interaction with third wave feminism!" and be prepared to explain the problems in that context, because if you say "Ethics is video games" and then complain about radical feminists, the media is going to use whatever narrative fits. Ethics in video game journalism does not fit the narrative. Women hating does. The media is lazy.

There's a lot of disagreement in GG. There's also a lot of agreement and consensus.

Is anyone saying "Hey, guys, we should lay off the SJWs and focus on ethics in video game journalism? Because last time I looked it was people bitching about Brianna Wu, and though this is about corruption of one person rather than an endemic problem.

Comment Re:"Not intentional". Right. (Score 1) 370

Whatever the cause, this is monumental incompetence. Even if they were malicious, they were incompetently malicious. Hoping people won't notice is not a way to get away with something so blatant.

I think you're right about outsourcing. Inadequate safeguards for the outsourcing, combined with particularly lazy contractor could explain it, and it is at least more plausible than any other scenario I can think of.

Comment Re:How often would this work? (Score 1) 157

Hard coded IP addresses are easy to deal with. Replace with and run a local proxy.

Hard coded domain names can usually be found as an explicit string which can be replaced. It's rare to see much security here.

It's actually quite possible that it will be embedded in a config file though This can sometimes be more difficult. Data files are often obfuscated. Maybe not through any complex scheme. It's usually just to deter casual cheaters. While there's no specific reason to obscure the IP address or domain in this way, they just obfuscate the entire file.

Still, private servers do exist and have existed for a while.

Comment Re:Don't do it (Score 2) 157

Most people don't care. They're happy to consue whatever media the mainstream offers them. It doesn't even occur to them that there is such a thing as public domain, except in a vague way, an awareness that some stories are so old that anyone can tell them. Even then I think they usually think that the rights to Snow White are owned by Disney.

Comment Re:Karma to burn? (Score 1) 467

I'm still confused about whether Gamergate really does care about ethics rather than third wave feminism.

Your argument suggests it's both. If this is the case you're a bunch of fucking morons. Do you know nothing of rhetoric and persuasion? You want to get people onto your side! I hate to use the socially inept nerd stereotype, but you have absolutely no fucking idea how people think! And this is the bit problem with Gamergate. It's made up primarily of nerds in their own echo chamber.

Has anyone on your side argues with or disagreed with your views here? If not ask yourself why that is? Healthy discussion has a lot of disagreement. I don't see this in GG.

Comment Re:Wingless plane? (Score 1) 35

I guess it depends on your defintion of "wing" and possibly of "plane".

On one hand, you might consider wings to be appendages sticking out the side. So it's wingless. On the other hand you might consider a lifting body itself to be a wing. Of course if a plane is "a fixed wing aircraft" then it needs a wing in order to be a plane.

Still, we know what they mean. It's a plane that doesn't have any distinction between wing and fuselage.

Comment Re:Karma to burn? (Score 1) 467

Well, tough shit! I'm the sort of person you need to persuade. Maybe my requirements are arbitrary. So are everyone else's! What I'm trying to get across to you is that whatever you think you're doing with this crusade, you're doing it really badly!

It's pretty obvious there's this clique at the centre of Indy gaming. This is a problem. Calling it "Blacklisting, bribery, blackmail, collusion, favoritism, plagiarism, theft," is no good unless you can point to some specific example!

I still don't see why I should give a fuck about Brianna Wu or Anita Sarkeesian in videogame ethics. Are you telling me that the entire problem is caused by two people?

And yes, they do have a cult like ideology. But it's a cult like ideology with good PR! Public perception matters, and I'm telling you, this member of the public thinks you're coming across as a crazy conspiracy theorist!

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