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Comment Re:Dont do anyone any favors (Score 1) 644

Excuse me, oh ye who is so brave as to not put your name to your comments. I've been to Ethiopia during the famine in the 90s, doing relief work. I've hand-fed emaciated children, and watched them die in droves despite our best efforts. I think I can speak to REAL poverty.

Rampant starvation and raging disease in a failed state amidst a massive draught, THAT'S poverty. Living in Section 8 housing on Food Stamps, not so much.

Comment Re:How Do You Move a City? (Score 1) 172

You're right. THIS. . . .IS. . . . SWEDEN !!!! (and why do I suddenly have the urge to kick the poster into a large snow-bank. . . )

So. . . localizing for Sweden. . .

Hin-de-foo, de buildie da malls a few-a kilo-meters a-vay, mit de chocolate mooses. Here. moose-moose. . . . .

Comment Re:What do you expect? (Score 1) 213

True. But it also doesn't mean they have a right to put advertisements on road signs or alert boards.

Oh crap. I mentioned it. Now someone will suggest it to "help subsidize the cost of roads".

Yep, this road was brought to you by Starbucks, available off any of the next 3 exits. . . .

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