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Comment Re:Wait.. (Score 1) 716

If you're older than six, and still think it's totally hilarious to send someone a death threat or SWAT them then I don't know what to tell you.

Also, destroying lives is a side effect of our punitive justice system. I'd rather it not come to that but they not only committed a crime, but a pretty heinous one at that. I really wish that punishment wasnt what it is now. But.

Comment Re:Yes that is exactly what feminist women want. (Score 1) 716

Also, as someone who deals with depression and anxiety and has a family history of dementia, trotting out "mental illness" is such a dick move. Mentally ill people generally aren't violent. They're more likely to be targets OF violence. Funny enough.

Toxic masculinity is the idea that when you're out of options, negotiation isn't on the table and force must be shown or you are weak and thus not a man. So when a guy decides its a good idea to bring an Uzi to a middle school and show those little bastards who's boss, yes. That's toxic masculinity.

Like, 97% of school shootings? Boys. Adolescent males. Told that their only as worthy as the power they can flex. Amazing what kind of power a Tec 9 can give you.

Comment Re:Yes that is exactly what feminist women want. (Score 1) 716

If this is mental illness then what did he have exactly? What's your basis of diagnosis? What should've been done instead?

Mental illness is a great catch all for anyone who's trying to uphold the status quo and not willing to see the problems facing culture.



Is this also mental illness too?

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 716

What about Metal Gear and Papers Please? funny enough, MGS is super popular amongst gamer gate types.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Everything is political. Misogynistic shit in GTA is political. Racism in call of Juarez is political. Pacifism in Metal Gear is political.

Not talking about the blatantly problematic parts of games is enforcing a political point of view. It's saying that people who find these things offensive don't matter and their voices shouldn't be heard. You're literally advocating for the silencing of voices you don't agree with.

The entire movement is intellectually dishonest. Not out of malice but out of ignorance. The movement is based on ignorant understandings of feminism and the issues. CHRIST, the out of context misunderstanding of a 10 second hitman clip is still a hill a lot of gamergaters are willing to die on.

I wouldn't care so much if it weren't for the fact that these exact issues are still things dealt with in geek, nerd and hacker spaces. It's a ridiculous precedent.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 3, Interesting) 716

Is that why InternetAristocrat and KingOfPol left?

Because GamerGate's doing so well right now?

The whole thing is a giant ball of stupid masquerading as a "consumerist revolt".

Taken at face value, it's ridiculous and does not understand what journalism is, or games journalism for that matter. Just because Polygon gave Bayonetta 2 a 7.5 doesn't mean it's a bad score; nor is telling Nintendo to stop supporting them because it got a bad score appropriate. For a movement based on "ethics in journalism" it seems to not understand what that means.

Taken with a grain of salt, it's a horrible witch hunt against "SJWs, feminazis and progressives" for daring to question the status quo in gaming. Heaven forbid I don't want more games based on the same tired of misogynistic tropes.

Digging deeper than that, it's pretty transparent that the whole "movement" was started because Eron Gjoni couldn't move on after he broke up with Zoe Quinn and felt like pouring gasoline on the fire started by asshole angry crybabies at wizardchan who got upset that a *woman* of all people could suffer from depression.

Comment Re:Wait.. (Score 3, Insightful) 716

That happened, in this case. Someone doxxed her, then someone used the dox as part of a death threat against her.

She's also had multiple death threats through a variety of means.

Not just that, but it was only like 5 months ago that someone made threatening statements on YouTube, then shocker, tried to shoot up a sorority house. Then shot whoever was on the street when he couldn't get in. Or the rest of the history of gendered violence against women.

Comment Good luck with that. (Score -1, Flamebait) 716

I'm fully in support of her goals, and against GooberGate, but I don't know if what she can accomplish is reasonable or feasible.

That being said, I do wish her actual luck in this. Ignoring abusive trolls hasn't amounted to much, feeding them until they explode doesn't do anything, ... it's like trying to pin down a gelatinous cube. All other options have been exhausted dealing with shitty trolls, why not? I just don't have particular optimism it'll work.

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