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Comment Re:Wrong decision (Score 1) 484

"San Francisco logic" I'm going to use this next time I explain to someone why having a business where an Internet startup selling 10 dollars worth of quarters for 15 bucks is a STUPID STUPID STUPID idea.

The real answer is that it's not *free* it's free *to you* in exchange for some of your peers giving up their demographic information to advertisers. Sound familiar? It's not free for the local CableCo to rebroadcast. It'd be like putting together an app that interfaces with Facebook, down to the private APIs, better than Facebook's own website or app and charging 5 bucks for it.

Comment Re:Wrong decision (Score 1) 484

If I spent $X Million financing and producing Y TV show, then sell the ads to pay for it, and you come along and rebroadcast that same signal at 5 dollar/pound/euro/etc a month, you've profited off of my copyrighted work.

That's the problem. It's not so much losing money, it's that Aereo is taking for free what cost some network a ton of cash to produce. That's not right.

That's like if I took all of your slashdot posts, compiled them into a book and sold it with out giving you any of the cut.

Comment Re:Wrong decision (Score 1) 484

Yeah but you live and work in your office, contrary to the analogy presented earlier(Parent? Grand Parent? GGP?), it's not similar to Aereo "renting" you an apartment and then renting you a DVR, then renting you access to a remote desktop setup.

They're selling access to someone else's content in no uncertain terms. Everything in their marketing was designed to tell the consumer, "Subscribe to our product, get OTA TV." That's illegal.

Comment Re:Wrong decision (Score 1) 484

Broadcast Television is by definition broadcast to all who can receive it. Just because cable companies pay to rebroadcast it to their customers doesn't change the primary fact. You do not have to pay to watch broadcast TV. It is not a violation of copyright to do so.

Quite right.

So. Given that, what are your options to watch that free Broadcast TV when the reception where you live happens to be poor? and by 'free' I specifically mean without a dime of your cash being given to the TV station.

Get a better antenna. Or sign up for a service that does have rebroadcast agreements with the local TV stations. Most satellite providers will do this.

If your position is that there is no way for a company to charge for something in order to somehow provide you with broadcast TV without paying a TV station, then what is to stop the TV stations from transmitting the most craptastic signal that they can possibly get away with so that it isn't really possible for anyone to receive a decent signal via antenna? Why then they'd be able to monetize those airwaves in more profitable endeavors. Talk about win-win for the TV stations.

Not everyone has cable TV, and the ability to get OTA broadcasts is probably part of their agreements with sponsors.

Plus, this *does* happen with UHF and really awful FM radio stations. Low power, poor broadcast quality... They also happen to have the worst advertising on the public airwaves because no one can get the signal.

(I only know this because there was a paranoid conspiracy theory radio show I'd listen to on the way to work for the lulz, I'd periodically check in on them during the day. Same with UHF TV.)

Comment Re:Wrong decision (Score 1) 484

Then they'd be in violation of the law.

Unless I can sleep in Aereo's data center, Aereo's not renting me space that I'm using to live(and watch TV in). It then becomes commercial use the rest of the way down the chain. Which is a huge legal no no.

I'm all for copyright and IP reform, but tell me how exactly that's fair. The way I see it, Aereo doesn't have to invest in creating content, they can just profit by selling everyone else's content over the internet. They have to invest in the infrastructure, but they don't have to invest in the content itself.

Comment Re:Resolution is 1280x720 (Score 1) 192

That's really hard to say. If Amazon's done anything under the hood to Android, then, maybe not. I'm guessing not bloody likely, but...

Faster SOC, more RAM and bigger display also have the huge drawback of sucking power. What's odd is that this thing has 1.5 times the mAh(2400 mAh vs 1560) than the iPhone 5S but the battery life isn't matching. Same with the Galaxy S5 at 2800 mAh.

I guess that's the price of having a giant display, a bunch of cores and gobs of RAM.

Comment Re:What I predict is (Score 1) 72

I don't think this is meant to be used in a real world environment. Not yet at least.

It's a nice proof of concept.

What I've really wanted was a virtual desktop where if i turned my head left, I got a palette or brushes or debugging inspector or something and looking forward gave me my main workspace. Looking up gives me mail or something.

I don't know if it'll work in reality, but...

Comment Re:Please (Score 1) 215

The very beginning of HL2, when you saw the giant displays with Breen's face on the monitors everywhere was killer.

Graphics absolutely push immersion forward.

However, that being said. I picked up a Wii U Mario Kart bundle at launch and I've had more fun with it tha anything on PC in years. The free new super mario bros u that came with mario kart 8 might have something to do with it; I regret not getting wind waker instead though.

The problem is entirely cultural at development studios. It's more about focus and design than just raw graphics. Sure, valve makes some awesome PC titles, but that's because valve works on PC titles. It's about making the most out of what you have, not just raw horsepower.

Comment Re:Resolution is 1280x720 (Score 1) 192

iPhone has similar pixel density, actually.

But the CPU and RAM specs are nearly meaningless when considering that the OSes that run on top of them are wildly different, and the CPUs themselves are also likely to be different. I don't think this is running the 64 bit variant of the Snapdragon 800 CPU either. That's not to say that Apple couldn't stand to have an iOS device with more than 1GB of ram though.

In real world benchmarks the A7 still holds its own against existing Snapdragon 800 powered devices and it's nearly a year old at this point with half the ram.

So at this point, specs are becoming less and less meaningful and software is becoming more and more critical.

Comment Re:Why get into the phone biz? (Score 1) 192

"People who are really serious about software should make their own hardware." - Alan Kay

Facebook tried that strategy and it failed miserably.

One could argue that Windows Phone and Android are living proof that this isn't a profitable strategy.

I'm not even joking about Android not being profitable for Google, or anyone else really.

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