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Comment Re:Calling Captain Renault (Score 1) 76

Of course you'd reply as AC. You're still at the denial stage of grief.

The British intelligence are our ALLIES, and have been for decades. Can't you tell the difference anymore, or more likely, will you just say anything that seems to support your point in the moment?

Comment Re:Calling Captain Renault (Score 5, Insightful) 76

I wonder if, when Mueller's report comes out showing collusion, the shrinking minority of Republicans who still support Trump will eat their words? Or if they'll act like Fox News analysts caught in a lie, and just move onto the next hot topic with their credibility among other conservatives mysteriously intact?

But you're right to a tiny degree, Trump didn't become president due to Russian influence alone. Voter suppression, moving from dog whistles to overt racism and sexism that appeal to a segment of the country, and the Democrats refusing to acknowledge how weak a candidate they chose... All of these things played a role.

I'm curious to see if Republicans will switch from ignoring the evidence of foreign influence to excusing it. It'll be fascinating to watch that play out, even as we figure out what to do with the court appointments and other fruit of the poison tree of an illegitimate president.

Comment Plug and Play + Software (Score 1) 417

Same as before, though HUGE strides have been made. I'm writing this from Linux Mint as I speak. It's still not 100% plug and play (want to use DisplayPort without the screen randomly going off, or use multiple monitors easily without editing text files? HAHAHAHA NOOB). Also some proprietary software just won't work on it, like some vpn's or apps that are made for Mac OS and Windows (but not Linux). So while people like me use and love it (and wish some things will continue to get easier), there are still plenty of people who won't use it because it'd mean giving up a rare piece of software they cannot do without (and don't want to chance using WINE with), or need Windows or a Mac for work.

It still has come such a long way. It's even possible with Steam (and a non greedy WM like XFCE instead of Gnome, Cinnamon, or KDE) to have a stable and well performing gaming experience, which is awesome.

Comment Dumb Decision (Score 1) 55

The dedicated Bixby button is why I'm waiting to check out the S9 or just give up on Samsung entirely. Tired of their custom updates, slowness to utilize recent Android versions, software bloat, and poor design decisions. Other android manufacturers are looking better all the time. Hope they don't remove the earphone jack like the iPhone or Pixel 2 is rumored to.

Comment Settles in for Reasoned Debate (Score -1, Flamebait) 244

This should be fun. An armchair discussion of whether discrimination is generally fraught, but Slashdot seems to have a real problem with women and women's rights, so this should bring out the anti-feminists, libertarians, and other kooks whose fragile egos and fears of "reverse discrimination" will compel them to share inane stories framed as decisive evidence.

Meanwhile any feminists still using the site will be happy to condemn before anything is proven because that seems to be in vogue.

Finally someone intelligent will mention that while both sides are making mistakes, that doesn't come close to meaning both sides are equally wrong or damaging. They will be modded down.

But perhaps we'll get some fun jokes about Google not being evil or some tired insane shit like "Why don't these chicks just identify as male" that we can read and feel justifiably far superior to.

Comment Enough Denials, Truth Time! (Score 0, Flamebait) 179

Russia exerted illegal and undue influence on our election, and we now have a president in the pocket of an autocratic foreign leader. No way in hell should we be cooperating with them any further. We should be removing the threats to our country from office (and I hope the investigation does just that, getting EVERY Republican who colluded).

But we should give zero credence to the useful idiots and pro-Russia shills who exclaim "But but the US does bad stuff too!" or just spew out variations on "libtard" or "Dimocrat" or "Snowflake". SHUT UP. Republicans in this country have sold their soul to get power at any cost and shown this country their true colors. You've lost any claim of legitimacy or ethical standing you had left. It's all gone, no more credibility for you. Liberals are taking power back, fixing our broken electoral system (even as you cry about non existent voter fraud while helping FUCKING RUSSIANS GAME OUR SYSTEM, suppressing votes, and gerrymandering like crazy to falsely hold the house. You've gone too far. No more listening to your nonsense.

Comment Re:What We Believe (Score -1, Offtopic) 122

Trolls like you are so obvious you do not deserve to be heard out. You are free to say whatever hateful nonsense you want, but you are not free of the consequences. You do not deserve a platform to spout your nonsense, and it is your denial cloaked in the language of logic without any of it's substance that has no place in modern society.

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