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Comment Re:One bad apple spoils the barrel (Score 0) 1134

Over half of all gamers are female

Only if you count games like Candy Crush and Farmville. Let's face it, gaming consoles and expensive video cards are being sold to teenage boys, you know, the ones that actually buy big game titles. If women are such a big market, they'd be pandered to. Or maybe women can make their own games. They should. Obviously these misogynist devs hate money. It's right there for the taking.

Comment Re:I predict (Score 5, Informative) 1134

That's ridiculous, and you're a troll. The reason people hate Anita Sarkeezian is not because she is a woman, but because she purposefully misrepresents facts in games and posed as someone that enjoys games when there is video evidence of the contrary. She lied to the people that financed her videos and then did not even deliver, not to mention that it's such poorly made crap that a high school student could have done better. Zoe Quinn got backlash because she is a morally bankrupt scumbag that slept with other people in her industry and journalists that promoted her game. She also made up the Wizardchan incident and basically got a bunch of lonely virgins to take the heat for something they did not do. In both cases the hate they received is due to their actions and character, not because they are women. Oh, by the way check out that list of "developers" most of them aren't developers themselves and are only tangentially connected to those companies. These people are actively trying to ruin gaming as a hobby. They politicize everything and try to make an issue over the smallest things. They deserve all the hate they get.

Comment Re:Yeah, but.... (Score 1) 1198

He's a crazy person. When did we decide that whatever the shooter says needs to make sense? The man was clearly insane. Do I worry about the ramblings of a man blaming reptilian Illuminati for his rampage? Do we worry about a "culture of anti-reptileism"? No. We don't do that because the people that believe that shit are obviously insane. Comparing him to nerds/geeks or even MRAs is insane. None of those groups have voiced the shit he was voicing. Yeah, some guys feel left out, and they blame it on their looks or the modern culture. It's whatever, they should be allowed to complain. Everyone has that right. It doesn't mean that we suddenly start silencing people for complaining about deficiencies in their lives. Should we silence libertarians every time an anti-government loon blows up a building? No. We don't do that, as the bombers and mass shooters are obviously insane. Furthermore, how is this guy in any way a geek or a nerd? To me he seemed entirely too preoccupied with women and not enough with beowulf clusters. That's a whole other level of tragedy.

Comment Re: When Al Franken...hard core liberal (Score 5, Informative) 282

I agree. The whole competition thing is bullshit. I wanted to change providers, and I just now realized that there isn't a single competing carrier where I live. I'm stuck with what I have. How the fuck am I supposed to vote with my wallet this way? Not have internet?

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