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Comment Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score 0) 666

Does this express a bias in favor of his point of view; his word against hers, that there was no attempted assault, burglary, or rape?

No, I just put that in no particular order. I still see no evidence of rape, or even assault, because we don't even know who started what.

There is some evidence of attempted wrongdoing; or battery, at least, due to the physical wounds

Yeah, but who did it is unclear. We have no idea who started the fight.

her missing stuff that was miraculously found to be in his possession.

There is no evidence that I see that there is any truth to this claim. Why weren't charges filed if this is true? What about her leaving things at his apartment? See, this is why the courts should be involved. An appeal to the internet does nothing and finds nothing. The justice system is the tool for the job, not the internet.

Comment Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score -1, Troll) 666

Even if it is true that something physical went down. That still does not mean he tried to rape her, or that he started it. Nobody knows what happened because currently it's just her word against his. There is no proper evidence to look at and no trial. For all we know, she assaulted him. She really should have gone to the proper authorities. Just because she's a woman, does not mean we should believe her. There are legal procedures for that.

Comment Re:Beware Internet Echo Chambers (Score 1) 611

Companies can change. If they see the error of their ways and start pleasing the customer, they should be rewarded. We shouldn't hold grudges. It's not like Sony is murdering baby seals. If MS reverses their policies, I think games should forgive them. Of course, the PS4 is still more powerful and cheaper, so if I do get a console this time around, I might pick one up. That's assuming most of those games don't turn up on PC, which they might with the hole x86 CPU both of them have going on there.

Comment Re:This is stupid (Score 1) 737

It's not in good fun. What they're selling is an experience (you thought they were selling games! lulz), and sexual overatures make the experience seem more pleasant.

At the end of the day, the product is a game, not the girl, and if the advertisement makes people more likely to buy the game, then why not? I didn't see anyone but feminists complaining about the show.

"Pander to feminist sensibilities". Yeah... because it's the 21st century and we should all be in the kitchen barefoot making sandwiches, right??

That is neither here nor there. You can be outside of the kitchen, wearing shoes, and doing whatever the hell you want. Nobody is forcing you to watch booth babes or play games with pretty women in them. It's that whole freedom thing people are talking about. To remove something people like is pandering to feminist sensibilities. If you don't like it, you could always make your own show without booth babes. Maybe you can even push a couple of games out there. I'm sure women will flock to them, after all the evil men and the booth babes are what's keeping them out of the market.

The 48% of women behind the purchase of said games may be tired of "pandering to male chauvinism"... Which I guess judging by your commentary you think is okay and preferred?

If women are tired of this stuff, then why are they still buying the games (48%, that's something). Obviously they seem fine with it. Otherwise they'd do something different themselves. They have the freedom to do that. I don't care.

How about instead of "pandering" we simply make games that have realistic depictions of men and women, with realistic gender roles, based on the context and environment the game (story?) is taking place in?

Great, you go and do that. The rest of us will be here not giving a damn. It's not our job to care about what you think and do things the way you like it instead of the way we like it.

Now, which game do you think will be of higher quality, sell better, and provide a better experience to the majority of its potential player base -- Chauvinism 1.0, Feminism 1.0, or Just Fucking People 1.0 ?

I don't know. So far Fun is what sells. Have you heard of that Fun thing? I hear it's all the rage with gamers. It seems not to matter if you consider them chauvinist, feminist, or "people".

Comment Re:Agreed, it's stupid (Score 1) 737

Women aren't half the market. Don't fool yourself. Women aren't suddenly going to start buying more games because E3 stopped using booth babes. I fail to see how that would actually stop anyone from buying games. It's not like you have to fondle a booth babe to get the damn things.

Comment This is stupid (Score 4, Insightful) 737

They are just pandering to the target audience. Maybe you are very mature, but let's face it, most gamers do act like 13 year old boys. It's all in good fun. E3 exists to show off games and try to get people into the idea of buying them, not to pander to feminist sensibilities.

Sexism Still a Problem At E3 737

An anonymous reader writes "Now that E3 has wound down and the big product announcements are out of the way, its time to take a step back and look at the culture represented by the giant gaming show. 'The presence of scantily clad women hawking games and gizmos seemed in particular contrast to a report released this week by the Entertainment Software Association, which organizes the gaming industry's annual trade show. It found that 45 percent of the entire gaming population is now women, and women make up 46 percent of the most frequent game buyers.' While there are fewer 'booth babes' than in earlier shows (and while some are trying to bring balance by adding 'booth bros'), the conference organizers are happy to let exhibitors make their own policy. By contrast, the Penny Arcade Expo forbids 'booth babes,' a controversial but widely lauded stance. A recent article in Kotaku about this year's E3 notes, 'For every confident cosplayer who might do the job at a con, I am seeing dozens of companies trying to sell me hundreds of women. They are not drawing my attention to the content of their games, or to their tactics or techniques. They are drawing my attention to thigh-high boots, to low-cut shirts, and, frankly, to the hard work of a really expensive bra. So much of what I see here at E3 is aimed directly at the lizard hindbrain of a 13-year-old boy. But you have to be 18 to get into the show, and it's nominally for industry professionals. Perhaps someday we—men and women alike—can all be treated like the grown-ups we theoretically are, and be trusted to judge a game by its content... not its double-D cover.'"

Comment Re:My goodness (Score 2) 417

See, I think you are still wrong. The data literally does not exist in any other form but that which is under encryption. This is forcing someone to interpret data, not unlocking something. To also request documents, there must also be a knowledge that they both exist, and that they are in the possession of the person under investigation. The court does not know that he does have child pornography in the other drives, nor that they and all the data contained are his and his alone. I do not believe that the court has any power to force someone to interpret an encrypted journal, and I fail to see the true difference between this and encrypted drives.

Comment Re:Make metal ilegal too... (Score 5, Informative) 551

The US does no such thing. Also as for the Australia thing, it wasn't a guideline. Look: The fact is that government should not be in the role of telling you what kind of pornography is good or bad. Look what happened when Japan tried that. It only became more grotesque, yet strangely arousing.

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