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Comment Re:You've never had fruit flies? (Score 1) 82

When all (or nearly all) the flies are inside the jar, I just put it under the tap and run water over it until it fills up through the holes. Then leave it for a few minutes to drown them all, and dump it down the sink.

You can just use some apple cider vinegar with a drop of detergent and skip the labor part (just take the plastic off and dump the mess down the drain). Refill & rekill.

Comment Re:Copyright has no clothes. (Score 1) 363

When it comes to copyright laws another saying applies "unjust laws serve to bring all laws into contempt.

Let us know when somebody invents laws that cannot be made unjust by the corrupt actors of a system. Until then, while somebody restricts by force what I may write on my paper with my pen, copyright itself is an unjust affront to the notion of real property (it fails before even getting to concocted notions like 'intellectual property'). We can do better than pulling guns on people in hopes of getting artists to produce more entertaining things for us (and it probably fails at even that).

Comment Re:Scaled property rights (Score 1) 363

a project that hasn't earned back its costs should have copyright extended for a *long* time--maybe 40 years or the lifetime of the artist, whichever is longer

All you do there is encourage (and have the public subsidize) poor business models. Instead, we should be encouraging artists to succeed (not setting up incentives for them to languish - that is not kindness).

Comment Re:Great idea at the concept stage. (Score 2) 254

'ipv4 hardware' (huh? what IS that, btw? does this imply that ipv6 is not in 'hardware'? how strange to describe things)

Not sure what he was on about but, yeah, IPv4 is always in ASIC on big gear and part of the slow IPv6 adoption curve is that there is a lot of big expensive gear deployed with IPv4 in ASIC and IPv6 is only done on the anemic CPU.

We're probably 2 of 5 years into the required replacement cycle, but it is significant. One of the wrinkles with the recent Cisco "Internet is too big" bug was that the hardware has ASIC slots for 1 million IPv4 entries, 500,000 IPv6 entries, but we already have 490K IPv4 entries and if there were as much IPv6 adoption, the combined totals would break out of ASIC today and nobody wants to think about going to the CPU and main memory for core routing, ever.

Comment Oh, Argentina (Score 5, Informative) 165

For those who don't know, Argentina is on the brink of economic collapse yet again. Their occupying government has ruined the currency with wishful thinking as if it didn't just happen a decade or so ago. They've been trying to negotiate away all the bad debt they've run up and not everybody is letting them off the hook this time. Like good bureaucrats they're probably looking to tax anything that moves.

3% tax on Netflix? pfft - last time they confiscated pensions and retirement accounts. Oh, sorry, they didn't confiscate them, they replaced the negotiable cash value of them with government-backed bonds. Which rapidly fell to zero value.

FWIW, the US DoL floated an RFC on 'protecting' retirement accounts by replacing them with bonds a few years ago. Nobody should be undiversified in their retirement savings jurisdictions.

Comment Re:I predict (Score 3, Informative) 1134

Oh, please. If she liked video games she wouldn't actively lie and misrepresent video games and bitch and moan about every little thing, some of which are of her own invention. Take the Hitman video she did. She went on about how the game rewards you by killing the dancers at some club, when anyone who has played the game knows that you actually get punished for it, due to their deaths being unnecessary. She's a dishonest cunt, and you should stop trying to invent situations that we know don't exist. Her actions reflect that she does not like video games and she never has.

Comment Re:I predict (Score 1) 1134

You are so cute. You really believe the shit you spew, don't you? Anita Sarkeezian is a scumbag and a class A liar and manipulator. "Wahh you're a bad person." If holding people accountable for the shit they say and do is bad, then yes I'm as bad as they come. I'm not hurt by her videos, but I choose to call her out when she's being a cunt, and we know that she is a liar because she's not even a good liar. She deserves all the hate she gets.

Comment Re:I predict (Score 2) 1134

They are equally culpable, and they've been called out. The problem is that the media keeps focusing on her to make it seem like some fedora crusade, when in reality it's calling out all the gaming press and Quinn at the same time. Let's face it, gaming journalists have been in bed with devs and publishers for a long time, it just has gotten so out of hand that now we have journalists and devs literally in bed with each other. This would never fly in any other industry, so why do we let it occur here?

Comment Re:I predict (Score 0, Flamebait) 1134

Yes, death threats so serious that they contact the media instead of the cops. Let's face it, none of those are credible threats and to think that these losers are affected by them is silly. "Oh noes, whatever will I do, someone said they're going to rape me on the internet." Either they are being dishonest, or they are complete idiots.

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