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Comment Re:I'm somewhat disturbed... (Score 1) 264

Those "pre-approved offer" are just a marketing scheme. They don't do any credit checks before sending them out.

The credit check occurs when you reply to the offer. Then, they may refuse you or say; "After review, we can provide you with a limit of $5,000 or $10,000.

This is correct. The way the CC companies operate these is to get average credit scores for specific areas (zip codes, generally) or for people in specific groups. Fairly sophisticated statistical analyses (based on demographic profiles) are used to determine what offers are appropriate.

Comment Re:Ob frosty (Score 1) 263

Just to clarify, the crime Vickerman was prosecuted for is Conspiracy to Defraud, purely for running SurfTheChannel, a streaming links site. This is quite a different law from Fraud, it's vaguer and much more prone to abuse - it seems to be FACT's go-to law whenever they realise a suspect they've spent time and money investigating isn't breaking any actual laws. Without it, Vickerman would probably never have been prosecuted for anything, although civil action would have been likely, IMO. If some defendant somewhere ever gets an appeal up to the ECJ, I think it quite possible they'll shoot the law down in flames, just for being so badly written. More information:

An excellent point. Thank you for correcting me. Civil action is appropriate in these situations. Unfortunately, content owners have co-opted our system to benefit themselves at the expense of the rest of us -- hence the criminalization of copyright infringement

Comment Re:Ob frosty (Score 3, Insightful) 263

No, the crime is copyright infringement. THAT is what infringement is, not someone downloading an episode of Downton Abbey because they missed it the other day.

I don't recognize copyright infringement as a crime. At best it is a tort, IMHO. Yes, I am aware that various governments have criminalized "copyright infringement." That doesn't mean I have to agree, or incorporate it into my worldview.

Comment Re:Ob frosty (Score 5, Informative) 263

He's my MP, but I'm afraid I can't report on his file-sharing habits.

And to lend some context to his words, from TFA:

“The discrepancy I mentioned is a source of great frustration. For example, the private prosecution by the Federation Against Copyright Theft of Anton Vickerman, who was making £50,000 a month from running a website [SurfTheChannel] that facilitated mass-scale copyright infringement, saw him convicted of conspiracy to defraud and sentenced to four years in prison,” Leech explained.

“This level of sentence would not have been possible if he had been prosecuted under copyright law, but FACT was able to prove conspiracy in his actions. Without proof of conspiracy, a serious criminal could have been left subject to a disproportionately low maximum penalty.”

In a way, I do agree with his point; those making that sort of money from infringement do need to be punished properly. However, it'll be all too easy to abuse this sort of measure, and end up with the disproportion going the other way.

The crime here was fraud. The guy sold something he did not have the rights to sell. Kind of like someone selling your house without your knowledge. IANAL, but as I understand it, we have laws (as was seen in this case) that address these issues. Sending someone to prison for ten years (or at all) for downloading the latest episode of some crap TV show or movie for their personal use is ridiculous. That is and should be a civil matter, IMHO.

Comment Re:Stop trying (Score 1) 606

jumping from POSIX shell to bash, i.e. implicitly assuming i was a linux zealot, gibbering about how much easier language A is than language B, arguing with portability where POSIX is all about portability, and portable scripts run on any POSIX compliant system, further demonstrates how little you know. Perhaps take a bit of your own advice and learn the shell command language, the quality of your straw-men would probably double. Also, your assumptions are plain wrong. Yes, i'm a coder, but yes, then again, i'm a sys- and network admin of a mid-sized network (~200 hosts, not counting the VLANs for guest, wifi, isolation, etc) We do nearly everything in posix shell, even the damn server configuration automation. - the prime reason being that the scripts will not bother whether they run on our BSD servers or the linux boxen. But why don't you tell me some more about how vastly superior some-language-you-know-better-than-sh-is

Oh Technology god, I am but a toad at the feet of your incredibly knowledge and power! Please don't vaporize me with your incredible wisdom and power. Everything you say is absolute truth and I am just a retarded splotch who should have been aborted.

You are right about everything and I am wrong. Always and ever wrong. Compared to you, I don't deserve to live. Please come and take my possessions, my wife, my children so I can relieve this world of a brainless, worthless loser.

You win. Happy now? Jackass.

Comment Re:Stop trying (Score 1) 606

Clearly you have no clue about the fundamentals of computing. Let's break it into small pieces: Perl: turing-complete. Python: turing-complete. Ruby: turing-complete POSIX shell: turing complete. So how exactly are they ``many times more powerful''? All you're doing is demonstrating how little you actually know, so will happily skip the second half of your gibberish and repeat: Brain. Do you use it?

Yes, they are. But that it's *possible* to do the same things with any of those tools says nothing about which one provides functionality which makes the job easier. For example, writing a script to gather, parse and reformat log files across multiple, heterogeneous systems is immensely simpler to write with Perl (and its associated modules) than to do so with BASH. Sigh.

Apparently, you've never had to manage large environments or you'd know that. Or worse yet, you're probably a coder with no clue about large-scale systems and network administration. Go upstairs and get another Red Bull from your parents' fridge and let the adults do their job.

Comment Re:Stop trying (Score 1) 606

Oh, right, because python, perl or ruby scripts totally don't need a python, perl or ruby interpreter/runtime to run. There is no difference between that, and, say, posix shell. Brain. Do you use it?

Please. Perl/Python/Ruby are many times more powerful than any POSIX shell and I *can* install ports of those interpreters/runtimes on multiple platforms (including *nix, Linux, Windows, OS X, etc, etc, etc) allowing me to run my management tools *unmodiifed* on multiple platforms. Use my brain? Why would I want to develop/maintain different tools on different platforms to perform the same management and admin tasks, when I can develop and maintain a single set of tools? This is not rocket science here, just simple logic. So, either you're on drugs, never had to manage/maintain large numbers of systems in a heterogeneous environment or you're a troll. Your pick. Have a nice day!

Comment Re:Stop trying (Score 1) 606

Apparently, I have to. But it's a quick one: A CLI typically is a 'scripting environment', especially the unix CLI which is what TFA is about. So your statement really says that using the CLI is superior to using the CLI, or the GUI.

Yes, you can write shell scripts. However, I was referring to things like Perl or Python as scripting environments. They not only provide powerful tools, they can also be used in cross-platform environments and, depending on the functions involved, run unmodified. That's why scripting environments like Perl, Python and Ruby are *often* (note I don't say always) superior to the CLI or GUI.

Comment Re:Stop trying (Score 2) 606

Its almost sad to me that so many techies are falling back into the "I dont understand it so I hate it" mentality.

StackExchange has a pretty good explanation of the whole Powershell vs Bash thing, with the takeaway being, they have different designs and are good at different things.

There are a lot of reasons to criticize powershell (startup time for one, memory usage for another), but sadly the ones here basically amount to "I hate closed source" or "I gave it 5 minutes and I didnt like it" or "im a unix guy and see no need for it". Those may be true, but theyre not faults with powershell

Let me clarify my point from a few replies ago. As an admin, it's not about BASH vs. Powershell, it's about having tools I can use across multiple platforms *without modification*.

If I have to write Powershell scripts to accomplish something on Windows and then Perl or Python scripts to accomplish *the same thing* on UNIX/Linux, I'm duplicating effort in creating and maintaining those scripts.

Us admins hate duplicating work. We like to do things in a way that takes the least effort to do the job correctly. Any kind of "religious war" about this is stupid.

I don't have time to worry about which tool is "cooler" than another. I have real work to do.

Comment Re:Stop trying (Score 1) 606

I dont disagree, but one of the reasons I love powershell is because there is so much vendor support for it. Rather than having to use crappily written vendor provided scripts, or learn a new set of syntax and instructions for everything, you can just use one set of cmdlets to manage everything. For example, managing storage units, virtual infrastructure, and networking (if you were using Cisco UCS for example) would involve a unified set of syntax and command structure (verb-noun-- GET-nacifsshare; REMOVE-cluster), with output that can easily be manipulated and passed around. Everything is an object; everything can be piped into get-member to discover its methods, properties, and data types.

Obviously it will depend on what platform youre on; if your work involves primarily *nix boxes I imagine you would want to stick with bash. But Ive found that it is incredibly rewarding to work with powershell in a windows environment just because of how easy it is to take knowledge from one task and apply it to many others, and how easy it is to get your bearings in an unfamiliar task.

I know. I've used Powershell for a variety of vendors and it can be quite nice. However, if it's not just proprietary vendors stuff or just UNIX/Linux boxes or just Windows boxes, using Perl or Python scripts (written or at least customized by me, of course) can be the best way to manage across platforms. As far as just a general command-line goes, BASH kicks Powershell's ass every day of the week and twice on Sundays IMHO.

Comment Re:Command line is more error-prone (Score 2) 606

Your finger needs to slip quite a few times to add the --no-preserve-root to that command (it might be GNU coreutils exclusive though). :)

I've clicked the wrong button on a GUI several times, just as I've made typos on the command line. Both have the potential to screw things up unless I'm being careful.

I don't know how many times at my previous job that some Windows admin deleted whole sections of our AD database via the GUI. That GUI doesn't even have an option to prompt before deletion, whereas I can just insert "alias rm='rm -i'" into root's ~/.bashrc. Just sayin'.

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