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Comment What competition is (Score 0, Flamebait) 218

Apple is paving the way for its own music subscription service where it will, surprise surprise, face little to no competition.

So, I take it Last.Fm would allow me to run my own streaming service within theirs, and make money off it? After all, if they lock me out, they face little to no competition.

Comment Re:Pay up if they fix the "out of bounds" issues (Score 1) 52

The company set out specific parameters for what kind of vulnerabilities in which products were in scope for the rewards, but some researchers still submitted flaws that were out of bounds, including bugs in partners' products or in the Barracuda corporate Web site.

Who would complain that people are submitting more bug reports than asked for?!? They're getting reports for their website, without any need to pay a bounty. The problem with this is? Even bug reports of a competitor's product are useful in letting them know what areas are important to customers.

Comment Re:I know what caused it (Score 1) 222

If a bank used an armored car made of cardboard to transport money, would you blame the inevitable robbers, or the bank?

I'd blame the robbers for stealing the money, and the bank for not securing it as I had hired them to do, since I know robbers exist and steal money. That said, it's not like banks are going around putting up money-dispensing kiosks that runs Windows.

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