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Comment Re:Physical Access = owned (Score 2) 150

I'd assume the box that the money is in is secured and had paint or the like that will trigger when it is opened.

Plus you can only do it once and it is very noticeable. Chopping a small hole in the box and secretly installing a small phone you could exploit time and time again without drawing attention from passers by.

Comment Re:Symantec ad (Score 1) 150

The SMS is just a way to communicate to the phone. What the hackers have done (if I'm reading the FA correctly) is make a phone pretend to be a USB keyboard attached to the PC in the ATM. The phone can then be set up to send a control sequence to the ATM tell the ATM to spit out money. So the problem has nothing to do with either SMS or Windows XP. If the ATM was VAX or Mac OS or Home brew OS or Linux and you did not lock down the local USB ports then it would have the same issue.

The general issue of USB ports happily accepting keyboard has been an issue with ATMs before, but you have to stand by the ATM with a keyboard. This way you just plug in the phone and leave it there to exploit time and time again.

Comment Re:Isn't This A Bit Irresponsible? (Score 2) 109

Depends on how public the knowledge already is.This is the first time I've heard of it, but this kind of thing is done a lot (private stuff thrown on publicly available services that can be found via a Google search) so I'd guess this was already reasonably well known in the bad people circles. By shouting about it Amazon is ensuring that everyone knows without having to track down and inform people individually.

Comment Re:Rollin your own (Score 1) 125

> HTTP components in language API's

I'm going to assume you mean complete stack (HTTP, HTML renderer, JS Engine etc). While the HTTP layer is fairly simple (and thus implement well in a ton of APIs for each of the major platforms), the rest is BIG and to do it well is hard so it is not done well all that often. So what you end up with is either a re-skinned IE, Firefox or Chrome.

Now these exists, for a bunch of different reasons for example before IE had tabs a tabbed IE existed and people who want to stay in the late 1990s have SeaMonkey. However most end up with an interface that is a lot like Chrome/Firefox/IE (as it is a good interface) but without the plugin support.

> Though I wonder how many companies would block you from accessing their site if the browser doesn't have the correct branding

I use to happen a lot and that is why we now have stupid user agent strings.

Mine is currently:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/33.0.1750.117 Safari/537.36

Mozilla/5.0 - Pretend to be Firefox
AppleWebKit/537.36 - And Safari
KHTML - Base of Safari/Chrome
Gecko - Back to Firefox
Chrome - I could be Chrome
Safari - Of Safari

The only one missing is IE. And I've seen many a user agent string that includes that as well (while not actually being IE).

Submission + - A Modest Proposal, re: Beta vs. Classic 19

unitron writes: Dice wants to make money off of what they paid for--the Slashdot name--, or rather they want to make more money off of it than they are making now, and they think the best way to do that is to turn it into SlashingtonPost.

They should take this site and give it a new name. Or get Malda to let them use "Chips & Dips".

Leave everything else intact, archives, user ID database, everything except the name.

Then use the Beta code and start a new site and give it the name, and they can have what they want without the embarrassment of having the current userbase escape from the basement or the attic and offend the sensibilities of the yuppies or hipsters or metrosexuals or whoever it is that they really want for an "audience".

Submission + - /. Beta comments don't work, users upset. ( 4

magic maverick writes: Since the new /. Beta came to light, many /. users and commentators have tried it out. However, they are almost universally condemning the new commenting system. It simply isn't as good as the so called Classic system. Some users, however, haven't a bad thing to say. Mainly because they haven't had a chance to even use the new system. It simply doesn't load. One user, Magic Maverick , who lives in a third-world country with crappy Internet, had this to say:

I come to /. for the comments, but with the new Beta, I can't even see anything! It just says:

''Shazbot! We ran into some trouble getting the comments. Try again... na-nu, na-nu!

It seems like the "developers" need to take some advice from people who actually know what they are doing. I'm happy to help explain what graceful degradation means if they like...

Submission + - Dice Holdings, Inc, deleting unflattering stories from Slashdot firehose 4

An anonymous reader writes: Stories submitted to the Slashdot firehose that take a negative view on the site's redesign are being deleted. 4 hours ago, it was full of anti-beta posts. Now they are gone. That's right. A forum that usually leaves V14GRA spam in place for posterity is deleting user content.

Submission + - Slashdot goes kerplunk 4

An anonymous reader writes: dice abandons slashdot classic look forcing long-time users to abandon slashdot.

Submission + - Favourite Slashdot Memories 4

Kell Bengal writes: What are your favorite memories from the last 15+ years? Hot grits? The slashdot effect? GNAA? APK sockpuppets? Tell us what will you miss most when you move on!

Comment Re:Think of the children (Score 5, Insightful) 293

Because I don't want a phone. I want a PDA.

I also want to phone people every once in a blue moon and have always-on access to various IM clients. I don't want to carry two devices.

Now you don't want this and it is great that you can get a device that meets your needs. I can get a device that meets my needs but alas now they all come with shit installed.

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