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Comment Re:Nginx is primarily a cache engine (Score 4, Informative) 340

Not always... for our Rails (and Sinatra) projects, we use nginx as the frontend/static asset server to a (pool of) Ruby-based application servers (mostly Unicorn). There's no Apache anywhere in the mix, and that has greatly reduced my migraines. Perhaps in some situation it makes sense to have nginx as a cache engine or load balancer for Apache, but in my world, nginx usually replaces Apache, rather than supplementing it.

Comment Re:Quality (Score 5, Interesting) 340

1) Hell yes, it's easier to configure than Apache. Has most of the plugins you could want from Apache, whilst being much more lightweight.

2) I'll echo the other comment here, YOU HAVE THE SOURCE CODE. Worry about backdoors in IIS from the U.S. Gov't., nginx has way more eyes on it.

3) You eventually figured out the pronunciation. Most of the people I know that use GNU/Linux and LaTeX ca't pronounce GNU or LaTeX, but they work great so they get used. What's the problem?

Comment Re:Sounds Like Cake is the way to go (Score 3, Insightful) 287

It is still PHP though so it won't force all your dev team to write better code as much as RoR will.

I sincerely hope this isn't being listed as a plus for using Cake. If "language/framework/methodology n forces me to write better code!" is ever heard as a complaint, the source of said complaint is in the wrong field.

That being said, Ruby and/or Rails doesn't force anyone to write better code. I have seen some crawling horrors perpetrated in Ruby that have kept me up nights. They do facilitate the writing of better code quite nicely. Whereas PHP doesn't do anybody any favors. Ever. PHP WTFs are generally of the "never sleep again" variety. The Cthulhu of WTFs.

Comment Re:CI (Score 1) 287

If you have Ruby people on your team, use Rails (or Sinatra/Padrino if you need less magic). I say this only because the Rubyists are going to spend more time flogging any other language into behaving more like Ruby than on actual domain problems.

On the other hand, if you choose a PHP or Python-based framework, one of them might come up with a really handy gem that lets you generate PHP or Python code from Ruby, and you could blog about it.

Not even trying to start a flame war, I'm a Rubyist, I work with Rubyists, and this post is intended as Ha Ha Only Serious based on my experience.

Comment Re:There can be a CLI/GUI mix. (Score 1) 1040

Have you ever used zenmap (formerly nmapfe)? This is how a LOT of *nix GUIs work. They wrap a command-line utility, use the GUI to compose the argv, execute, and pipe the output to a buffer in the GUI itself, with the option to export that buffer to a file.

It's simple, brilliant, and elegant.

Comment Re:Not necessarily. (Score 1) 1040

Excel is extremely powerful

Sure, but certainly not more powerful than exporting to CSV and doing your calculations in Perl or Ruby.

GUI tools are great for people who never learned to use the CLI. But once you know how to use it, there's no need to submit to the bondage and discipline of a GUI.

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