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Comment Re: Wait ... (Score 1) 196

Easy to say, but in my situation I had a 'friendly' conversation with the company lawyer warning me against contacting the clients. No way could I afford to fight it. Still, as time has passed and things become clearer it is easy to see who was the lesser human being. Former boss was a lazy, incompetent fool and killed his own business and I'm better off nowhere near the guy.

Comment Re:Nice work if you can get it (Score 2) 305

Well said. So tired of these bitter neck beards griping that they get paid just the once for writing some code and hating the fact that musicians get paid peanuts when and if they actually sell any copies of their music - having NOT been paid anything at all up front. As a musician I would suggest that financially the effort put in to creating the music is a sort of investment, with the hope that the recordings will be enjoyed and become somewhat popular. Someone such as myself can't survive on my music output, but it is good to get a cheque every couple of months for music I have made over the years. I also give away lots of my music for free.

Comment Re:Seriously, an Apple car? (Score 0) 196

I have used macs for years and after buying the computers have had almost zero additional cost paid to Apple. What are you talking about? Reliable (for the most part) computers that need almost no maintenance? What is wrong about that? what is this myth? Jeez, you guys get all kinds of stupid when it come to a discussion of anything to do with Apple products. Would charge a fortune for trivial tasks? What does this even mean?

Comment Re: Wait ... (Score 1) 196

But what employee has the wherewithall to fight a court case if it come to that? I never signed anything but my former employer had his lawyer call me to say in a 'friendly' way that I should not call on former clients. I was in no position to argue.

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