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Comment Re:Hipsters. (Score 1) 98

Yes, and much of the most beautiful architecture that we revere so much was built with a lot of manual work by men (mostly) who were underpaid (if at all) and pretty much slaves to the monarchs who desired sumptuous palaces. Can't say I'd like for us to go back to that way of building. Certainly much of modern architecture is unforgivable, but that is not to say that all of it is.

Comment Re:Hipsters. (Score 1) 98

Thanks for that link. While the majority of the images depict monstrously ugly buildings, there is no doubt I think, that some of them are very striking and effective. Not many unfortunately. As you say, there is nothing inherently wrong with buildings made of exposed concrete, it is the design decisions made by architects and engineers with little aesthetic sense that results in the brutal mountains of concrete we love to hate.

Seems to me that there is no reason to eschew buildings with exposed concrete just because many of them are butt ugly. One would think that by now past mistakes would have paved the way for better and more elegant designs. Perhaps not.

Comment Re:Fake diseases (Score 0) 200

I totally agree. To their undying shame, many parents and teachers just do not want to have to deal with children that don't conform. Stamping out natural character traits in childhood does not bode well for the child's adult life. Why was my original post modded troll? Ha, ha. I suppose the fake disease asbergers crowd saw to that! We're all diseased! We have an excuse for our bad behaviour! Don't blame me, it was my diagnosed condition's fault. Bah!

Comment I disagree with this (Score 1) 419

I think this guy is a media whore looking for attention at the expense of his children. I can only say anecdotally, that having known a reporter that covered the situation in Palestine this was a bad thing to do. Even as a grown adult he was severely traumatized by the experience to the point that he would burst in to tears recounting his experience of the violence, cruelty and misery he had witnessed and was forced to get himself posted to a more sedate part of the world covering less 'glamourous' issues. This stuff is not a fucking package holiday Helgregren. Asshole.

Comment Re:Gettin All Up In Yo Biznis (Score 1) 419

One on of my favourite games is Carmageddon. I do not drive, do not own a car, have no driver's license. I do enjoy driving a virtual car and mowing down old ladies, cops and various other pedestrians and cows. Should I get a driver's license and buy (or rent) a car to find out what real life driving is actually like? This guy is a tool.

Comment Who really cares? (Score 1) 457

If a complete stranger offers his/her opinion in a caustic way it really doesn't affect me. Why should it? However, if a friend/family member does the same thing it does affect me. Then we can hopefully discuss the issue and agree to disagree if that's how it has to be. Big difference. If you respect the opinion of trolls enough to get all teary eyed and suicidal about it, you have WAY bigger problems. When it comes to young people dealing with this stuff, I think the way to handle it is to help them deal with the inevitable negativity rather than try to block the trolls and over-protect the little kiddies. I say this as a dad. There are bad people. Bad things happen. Learn to live with it. I'm not saying that slavery, genocide, murder, rape etc. are acceptable - you know what I mean...

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