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Comment Re:American car companies... (Score 1) 426

Salt in the air sure, but we drive through the stuff roughly 9 months out of the year adding water to the mix. Corrosion against metal in "salt in the air" areas is magnitudes less than direct. Oh and we've got corrosion warranties in Canada, you *might* be lucky if the coverage is longer than 5 years.

Comment Re:Incentive Bug Finding (Score 1) 331

Yes, that means punishing the victim. Whereas the victim here is a facilitator for the culprit. It's like leaving your car unlocked and open on the main road and someone using it for a bank heist. I don't know about yours, in my country, if that's your car you're due for facilitating a crime.

Really? In my country, it's illegal for a criminal to take something for the use in commissioning a crime. This protects "stupid people" then again, malware is profitable and easy to get "installed" because ad networks don't properly vet their content. So if you wanted to nail anyone for "facilitating a crime" I'd start there, since that is the main infection point.

Comment Re:American car companies... (Score 1, Informative) 426

I still look over parking lots to find cars with rust, peeling paint, etc as when I buy a car, I don't want it to look like a 10 year old junker in 5 years. I don't like the trend but some forigen cars are haveing American car paint jobs with peeling clear coat and badly oxidized paint. My 12 year old Toyota has better paint and is not garrage parked.

Tough luck huh? I guess you don't spend much time in a place with a lot of salt. Try it in Canada some time, and you'll see 3 year old cars at times from companies like Toyota, Honda, and Kia already turning into rust buckets. Funny enough, the GM, Ford, Chrysler, and a few of the higher end brands like Audi, are still looking pretty good. Doesn't always hold true though, seems to rely heavily on just "how good" the steel was when the parts were made. And whether or not the person putting the final panels on(when the robots don't), nicked any edges.

Interestingly enough, if you've got a complaint about how the cars look, you're better of telling the automakers to build their cars using polymer panels like what Saturn did. My old '96 saturn looked nearly as good as the day it rolled off the lot in 2014.

Comment Re: im a music mixer in hollywood... (Score 1) 197

Come on man, most people I know who game have either 5.1 or 6.1 setups these days. Most gamers who use headphones do so because either other people whine and complain about it, or they play competitively, or play MMO's. Headphones are nice and all, but they don't approach a surround setup when you can enjoy it to it's fullest.

Comment Re:Real Problem (Score 1) 264

There probably isn't much of any. And if the US is anything like Canada the rate will probably be double. In Canada, it's around 7% across the board. Most ex-military here, can latterly transfer to the RCMP as long as they pass the "snap" test. Which is to see if they're ready for reintegration into civilian life as a peace officer.

And while I can't give much insight into US policing, there are a few things I can add. Back about 10 years ago, you guys had a serious shortage of police officers. So bad, that many cities would hire ex-criminals, even those with felony convictions. Detroit was probably the most famous for this, but many other large cities did as well. There's was a rather large article on this in several of the policing mags(like blueline) in Canada on it.

With that, over the last 6 years the US has followed Canada on methods of hiring peace officers. Those are: Highly educated(college, or university grads), who have high or very high education levels but next to zero life experience. My personal favorite, was what a few of my friends told me. They were ex-hiring officers at two of the largest police services in Canada. They had one applicant who had a doctorate, had never lived on his own, was aged 32. And had never held a job. He marked them for "not qualified" the upper management which has become highly political overrode his objections and hired him on anyway.

The state of policing on both sides of the border is this: Fucked up, especially with the policy of hiring people with zero life experience.

Comment Re:serious confusion by the author (Score 2) 235

Really? Last time I looked facebook was still hemoraging users. Twitter is highly limited to "what you can say." And Tumblr is about as useful as blogger in terms of a communications platform. Then again, if people only want to be communicated with on facebook I simply won't communicate with them on there. I have this strange belief that I'm "not a product" and have another belief in "personal privacy." I'm sure that someone will point out that I have a gmail account; of course I'll be happy to point out that this really isn't my first name either.

Comment Re:Isn't this exactly what a spy agency DOES? (Score 2) 58

It's not so much of them "spying" it's more so "were they doing it legally." And if not, who inside the organization and government is going to pay for the travesty. It seems to me that in the UK, the government wishes to throw the social contract not only in the dirt, but shit on it, burn both, and then piss on the ashes.

Comment Re:distance, please (Score 2) 93

Back in '00 or '01 a buddy of mine wired his entire town in northern Sweden with fiber, I think it was covered on /. at the time. It was no more expensive for them to do an entire city population 2300 at the time. And the reason they did it was because none of the ISP's, telcos or cable co's were willing to run a line that far north for broadband. I realize things are slightly different depending on where you are, but it took them under 3 months to do ~1100 houses once they had their private link up.

Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 1) 457

Its not worse now than it's ever been in the past. Get the fuck over it

True, there's just more people online compared to 20 years ago. As such the noise from them has also gotten louder, and much like the trolls, flamers, and forum warriors of the last 2 decades. The best solution remains to the same as in the past, starve them of attention and watch them wither.

Comment Re:Another Trade Vanishes (Score 1) 43

Would that be the islet transplants? Because sure they do work, the only problem is about 70% of the people end up back on some dosage insulin because the body starts killing them again. The worst cases they're right back to the beginning 10 years down the road. There's still some fine tuning to fix it, my sister was offered to be in the very first round of clinical trials at sick kids london(Ontario) that was just about 20 years ago now, she opted for the clinical trials of the insulin pump though and I think she ended up being the 8th or 9th in Canada to use it.

Comment Re:Worst that could happen? (Score 4, Informative) 43

I'm guessing you don't have a spinal cord injury, because if you did then you'd be happy with just about anything that could improve it. Since in a lot of cases, those pain centres are already "on." I'm still debating on getting a baclofen pump, that dumps the crap right into my spinal fluid. I already passed on the spinal fusion, since the failure rate and chance of being a paraplegic or parapligic was 53%

As for worse? Well death is always a possibility too, but we're already heading down that road. The only question is when you get there and how.

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