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Comment Re:The biggest risk to the pyramids is Islam (Score 3, Insightful) 246

Suggesting that normal Egyptian Muslims are calling for the destruction of the pyramids is extremely dishonest; It's a bit like linking to a Westboro Baptist protest and claiming "American Christians are calling for the repression of homosexuals".

Let's look at the region shall we? Ah forget it, let's look at normal muslims in general. You've got large swaths of sunni's in europe supporting groups like isis. You've got a wide swath across other countries like the uae, saudi arabia and kuwait, including the ultra rich in countries like kuwait and the uae sending money to them. You've got people from all over this rock flocking to support them, and their actions, and their goals.

It's not dishonest, there's something fundamentally broken with many muslims when they're lining up to support a 7th century mentality.

Comment Re:Doesn't this pretty much kill 4chan? (Score 1) 134

Come now anon, don't know that all gamers are misogynists, and the feminists who support this line of thinking believe that all men should be killed. I wish I was kidding on both points, but the "gaming media" and their 8+ articles containing 35-45% verbatim material say otherwise, along with the social justice warrior crowd that are attacking, doxxing, and threatening anyone who doesn't fall in step with their bigoted view point.

Comment Re:Sigh... (Score 1) 789

Considering that Russia today is not the same country that it was even back in 2008, and definitely not the same that it was last century, I'm not sure this is still a problem.

Really? So you're saying that a government leader, bent on flexing his muscle by invading other sovereign countries, rigging a vote, and threatening the rest of europe with no NG isn't a problem? And to toss it in, you do realize that the vote that most recently happened was based on less than 30% of the actual voting population right.

Comment Re: What's wrong with Windows Server? (Score 2) 613

Zoho, Scantool, OBD Autodoctor, AutoEnginuity, Ease, Windows OBDII, I can keep going.

When I was an apprentice, the difference from the handheld tool was which cartridge you plugged in. At the end of the day we settled on a laptop which used Snap-on's proprietary software since it could be auto-updated by dialing into a local number.

Comment Re:If the Grand Ayatollah's against it.... (Score 1) 542

Right. And what about the ones with the same religion fighting against the IS? How about the majority of the people around the world with the same religion that say IS doesn't represent them nor their religion? Etc...

And how about the ones that say it is? How about the large swaths in the middle east that say that does represent their religion. Come on, there was polling done not more than a few days ago showing that a vast majority in saudi arabia for example supported them. The government does not, various people do.

How about the imam's that say: "Islam is the religion of beheadings." - Hussein bin Mahmoud or the Wahhabi Cleric stating the proper way to behead someone, telling his followers that you should enjoy doing it. Seriously, I could go on all freaking day finding these religious leaders from the middle east, to Europe to those right home in North America proclaiming the same thing.

Comment Re:Two-Factor Authentication (Score 1) 107

Interestingly enough, Google will also request 2-step verification if you have a mobile number up and you're logging in from another part of the world. A few months back someone tried to log into this gmail account; it was blocked automatically. They then tried to reset the password and I got a sms challenge on my cell. It's also smart enough to know that if you've been one place before, it's likely you as well. I regularly head to the far northern part of Canada, very few ISP's and broadband. The first couple of times it gave a sms challenge, the last two times I've been out it hasn't.

Comment Re:Not so sure (Score 2) 369

Not only that, a guy is decapitated by a british speaking terrorist. The timing was just too good, specially because it helped to move the public opinion away from Israel/Gaza. Coincidentally, the moment Hamas stopped getting press they basically surrendered.

You haven't really been paying attention to the stuff that's been on-going then. It's similar to the people who don't watch what the jihadi's are doing then say: "but he was such a nice neighbor," after they found out that ran off and committed a suicide attack. Hell Jawa Report has been tracking the guy they suspect for at least a year. As a point, they were also instrumental in nailing several dozen other terrorists or want-to-be terrorists to the wall who are now spending time in federal prison.

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