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Comment Re:What's a good alternative to Slashdot? (Score 1) 727

Have you tried 8chan? There used to be 4chan, but GamerGate was too much even for them and the "SJWs" ruined it.

Going by the banlog, this would appear to be true. When people are banned from /b/ and /pol/ for posting the word 'nigger' /v/ for posting something that doesn't fit the mold, when people are banned from /a/ because the mod has no clue, and attacks the culture. SJW's have indeed ruined it.

Comment Re:I know (Score 1) 172

If you're a gamer, DX12 is more then enough of a reason to upgrade. Especially with the massive API changes that are coming down the pipe for it. There are a lot of non-AAA games that use DX11 or mantle now, that will be doubly so for DX12 which will make cross-platform support for 'nix and macs even easier.

Comment Re:Questions: (Score 1) 727

Just checked out the wiki, is there a reason behind the usage of anime characters and memes?

I feel like that takes a lot of seriousness to the cause you guys are supposedly fighting for.

Self-mocking. If GG is good at one thing, it's mocking itself. Memes are a part of the discussion language which doesn't always translate well outside of the culture. But that's true of any culture right? So in the end it makes sense, GG is an extension of gaming, so gaming culture has a very strong influence and memes are a primary part of gaming culture. That's why boards like KiA exist, because if you don't understand it--someone will explain it to you.

Comment Re:You have got to be kidding me (Score 1) 727

Okay, now I can actually read it (the image you posted earlier was tiny) it's obvious from the tag line that she was just curating a list of idiots who jumped at the bait.

Yeah, sure. It's not that they're mentally unbalanced or anything right? That they fish for attention, and have a martyr and victim complex. It's nothing like trying to blame GG for 'sarin gas' but in truth it was a anti-GG person who said it either right?

Comment Re: egalitarian? (Score 1) 727

That video is nonsense tarnishing PBS's otherwise good name.

Egalitarianism is literally thousands of years older than the first person to have ever strung the words "men's", "rights", and "activism" together in a row. Has that person never opened a history book?

A lot of the videos that are like this and linked to PBS tarnish their name, and they don't seem to give a shit. And no, they've never opened a history book. In the video, the person in question directly states that feminism isn't a subset of egalitarianism, but rather feminism is the true face of egalitarianism.

The problem of course for a lot of people including women isn't that it's a part of egalitarianism, but rather that modern feminism is about supremacy.

Comment Re:Questions: (Score 4, Informative) 727

Related question: Despite everything, can some good come from GamerGate?

Plenty of good has come from Gamergate. The literal salt mine from deepfreeze.it alone shows what good has come from it, not since the 1990's have I seen so much whining and complaining from the press when direct conflicts of interest, and shilling are exposed.

It has certainly drawn attention to the topic of harassment of women online, and campaigns like "Disrespectful Nod" actually seem to have backfired and pushed some of the companies targeted to very clearly state their opposition to the movement.

Citation required, because many companies including game sites have created ethical policies, some have also come out saying that Gamergate was right like Ian Miles Cheong(Gameranx). Some others have even openly come to GG to ask them to give their opinion on their existing, or re-write of their policies. So if you wonder where we would be without it, we'd be back in July of last year and people still getting pissed off at 'games journalism' for being unethical and still trotting down the road that it had been waiting for an even larger explosion.

I'm guessing you either don't play video games, or are pretty young. Otherwise you'd know that a backlash against the gaming press has been building for over twenty years, when you still got your information from magazines.

Comment Re:It does bring up a good question, though... (Score 2) 727

That's not creepy at all.

If you take information posted in public, and can figure out it was all done from one location then it's not creepy. Maybe people should be asking why the press didn't question it, and why the continued to push a victim complex for them, when it was obvious they didn't leave their home. It's not any different then Zoe Quinn which the press reported "she fled her home..." while conveniently forgetting that she had publicly posted that she had a trip to Europe planned...and just happened to leave the day that she claims she fled her home.

Comment Re:Why does this sound like Orwell or CP reeducati (Score 2) 173

That's because it is. Go hang around some feminist sites these days like feministing or the mary sue, and you'll find out that using bullshit to make up your point is pretty much accepted. And of course if you point out the flaw, you're automatically a persona non grata to be purged from the ranks.

Comment Re:Parents' superpower (Score 2) 173

That comment is so good, it's almost like the BS that was spewed out the other day on sites like The Guardian, Time, and other outlets about how "teenage boys don't like big breasted women." Of course, when you look at what little data there is you find out that: There was no confirmation data, it used a online poll, it was heavily circulated on feminist sites, especially those espousing an anti-male point of view. Well, I mean the data is out there...you know the data that says said paygap is by choice.

Unless of course you're supporting the idea that women should be paid more, for less work. But that seems rather sexist to me.

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