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Comment Re:ballsy move (Score 5, Insightful) 285

It might be only hot air on part of Brazil, but you can be sure that most governments of Europe and Scandinavia has similar feelings about it even if they aren't vocalizing it quite the same way.
Every major government right now is doing some serious inspections of where is their data flowing through, where is it stored and how trusty are the interests of those who control them... And you can bet they are not liking the answers they are getting.

Comment Trying to win back users trust? (Score 2) 216

This is good business for Google.
If matters stay as they are now, users will leaving by droves when a non-american alternative present itself (and it will appear. people will not miss this opportunity). Rather than trying to defend it's data, Google must win back users trust or it wont stay in business for long.
The same can be said for most big american software and internet companies.

Comment This is where US starts to loose it's dominance (Score 1) 114

This is where US starts to loose it's dominance of the major power controlling the internet.
The big American software and internet companies will never enjoy the same confidence as before. A few years from now we'll start to see non-american alternatives to Google, Facebook, Microsoft and their likes, and re-routing of major international data hardlines and junctions.
100 years from now people will be wearing Swonden masks instead of Guy Fawkes

Comment Re:Innovation? (Score 1) 420

Spoken like a tech at heart... Guess what the non tech-savvy majority don't care about hardware innovation unless in goes Bling and catches the eye -- Apple proved that. Nokia's problem was that it didn't have any good choices, switching to Android would have placed Nokia in a very crowded spot of yet another Android phone manufacturer. If Nokia whats to grab a real market share the only way is to radically stand out from everyone else.

Comment Depressing to see that (Score 1) 289

It's somewhat depressing to see that educational material publishers work the same methods world-wide...
Take the same book every 1-2 years, hash the chapter numbers, change numerical values in math problems, perhaps tweak color pallets and you have a new edition... Which is incompatible to the last year's one effectively killing the second-hands market.

Comment Not at all (Score 1) 533

Segway is not too dorky or clumsy, it just was -- and still is -- way too expensive to become normal everyday transportation.
A Bluetooth headset is dorky, but that's not the reason people aren't wearing it all the time. It's simply not nearly comfortable enough for that.
Google Glass? It's current looks is not all that cool... ok it is kinda dorky, but give it a chance. I positive future iterations of the technology can compress it even further and make more stylish.

And one more thing, fashions change quickly. Today's dorky just might be tomorrow's cool.

Comment Another step towards hardwiring yourself to google (Score 1) 325

Of course Brin wants everyone hard-wired to their Google account 24/7. He wants to make Google an inseparable, integral and vital part of our every day life. Glass is a step in that direction. For me, while I do use Google products all the time and however much I like my Android smartphone, I feel just fine leaving it in my pocket/on my desk most of the time. I've no desire to "see the world" through it.

Submission + - Amazon Patents the Milkman 1

theodp writes: Got Milk? Got Milk Delivery Patent? Perhaps unfamiliar with the concept of the Milkman, the USPTO has granted a patent for the Recurring Delivery of Products , an idea five Amazon inventors came up with to let customers schedule product deliveries to their doorsteps or mailboxes on a recurring basis, without needing to submit a new order every time. 'For instance,' the filing explains, 'a customer may request delivery of one bunch of bananas every week and two gallons of milk every two weeks.'

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