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Comment How could this be a "honeypot?" (Score 1) 1097

If somebody drawing the prophet is offensive to you that you have to murder people, then there is something wrong with you, and your religion.

Your religious rules apply to those in your religion, and nobody else. You do not have the right to force people to submit to your religion.

I feel no need to murder people mock atheism. No "honeypot" would send me into murderous outrage.

Comment They don't murder people over it. (Score 1) 1097

That is the difference, and it's a huge difference.

Murdering people because they express honest opinions is, almost entirely, a Muslim thing.

BTW: you do not need to "Defecate on the Qur'an" or anything like that to send Muslims into murderous outrage. Any civil, honest, criticism is all it takes.

Comment Red Hat will crush Linux competitors (Score 1) 300

Red Hat is operating right out of Microsoft's playbook.

Remember when Microsoft was buddy-buddy with Apple, and IBM?

Once Linux is completely dependent on Red Hat controlled technologies, Red Hat will always be two steps ahead of the competition, it will be seriously difficult for Linux users to use anything except Red Hat.

What happens when Red Hat decides there is no reason for more than one package management solution? Red Hat will say that users demanded one standardized package management, and systemd will only work if Red Hat's solution is installed. Wait for it.

Comment IMO: Islam is winning (Score 2, Informative) 1097

It might take them a while, but forced submission does work. Forced submission has worked throughout history, and it's working today.

Three stages of Jihad.

1) when in tiny minority, say you just want peace.
2) when in a more sizable minority, demand special privileges for Islam.
3) when in a majority (or close), take the gloves off

It is a brilliant strategy that has worked liked all hell for 1400 years, and is still working.

Submission + - Newly discovered species of frog looks a lot like Kermit (

walterbyrd writes: The newly discovered frog species Hyalinobatrachium dianae, with its bright green skin, protruding eyes, and oblong pupils, bears a striking resemblance to famous Muppet Kermit the Frog.H. dianae is a type of glass frog, which are known for translucent skin that makes their organs visible, and it was discovered in the Talamanca mountain range of Costa Rica.

Comment Apple late to the party, as usual? (Score 1) 98

Amazing the way Apple convinces people that they invented things. For who did not know, Apple did not invent: the smart watch, the smart phone, tablet computing, the GUI, the personal computer, online music stores, mp3 players; or much of anything.

There are already watch devices that can take your pulse. They have been around for some time.

Comment Better idea: we all start churches, or non-profits (Score 1) 700

Leave the laws as they are so we can use them. The government cannot make something illegal for one church, and illegal for another.

1) Start a church, or other non-profit.
2) Make yourself the administrator
3) Pay yourself a very small salary, that will be taxable.
4) The house you live in, the cars/boats/airplanes you use, etc. will all belong to the non-profit, so no taxes on the money needed to buy those.
5) Give yourself an unlimited expense account for food, travel, lodging, health care, clothes, entertainment, etc. As long as it is considered church business, it's not taxable.
6) Aside from taking donations, you can run a business that gives all revenue to the non-profit. Then take the money back out in the form of whatever you want: for example buy a car for the non-profit that is yours to use. The non-profit will, of course, also pay for insurance, fuel, maintenance, and a driver.

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