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Submission + - Patent troll hits major pharma company (

walterbyrd writes: We often hear of patent trolls in the tech industry, but rarely see this from major pharma companies. However, the term applies perfectly to AbbVie's strategy to either prevent Gilead from selling Harvoni or compelling royalties. . .

AbbVie cannot commercialize Harvoni since they do not own any patents to the individual drugs that make up the combination, sofosbuvir and ledipasvir. However, it is perfectly legal to apply for and obtain "method of use" and "utility" patents for products that a company does not own and this is what ABBV has accomplished with its five patents.

Comment Re:Gnome3, systemd etc. (Score 1) 450

> You seem to be speaking for "the community", but I don't see any hard numbers suggesting that the majority of said community actually shares your opinions. Just because many voices cry out and cry loudly, does not make those voices representative of anything meaningful.

What about the other way around? SystemD advocates constantly try to dismiss those who criticize SystemD as a tiny handful of UNIX greybeards. I have yet to see any evidence of that being the case.

It very much seems to me that SystemD is pushed on all Linux by a tiny handful of Red Hat marketing execs.

Debian went with SystemD because they believed a systemd takeover was inevitable. Slackware is considering systemd for the same reason.

Comment Read actual job ads to understand how useless (Score 1) 173

this is.

1) You always need five years of recent, verifiable, professional experience. Don't take my word for it, look at the ads.

2) The experience needs to be in about six different technologies, and every employer has a different list. Often the required skills are not even related to computers, i.e. HVAC tech - seriously, I've seen that, more than once.

3) Over 35 is considered very old.

Also, remember that employers are shipping jobs offshore as fast as they possibly can. And the jobs they cannot ship offshore are to be filled with visa workers.

Yeah, three months of coding training, sure, that'll do it.

Good luck.

Submission + - Verizon, AT&T tracking their users with 'supercookies' (

walterbyrd writes: Verizon and AT&T have been quietly tracking the Internet activity of more than 100 million cellular customers with what critics have dubbed “supercookies” — markers so powerful that it’s difficult for even savvy users to escape them.

The technology has allowed the companies to monitor which sites their customers visit, cataloging their tastes and interests. Consumers cannot erase these supercookies or evade them by using browser settings, such as the “private” or “incognito” modes that are popular among users wary of corporate or government surveillance.

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