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Submission + - Supreme Court skeptical of computer-based patents (

walterbyrd writes: The case, Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank International, poses huge risks for both sides. If the court upholds the patent or rules only narrowly against it without affecting most others, the problem of too many patents — and patent lawsuits — will continue. In that case, Justice Stephen Breyer said, future competition could move from price and quality to "who has the best patent lawyer."

Comment Tech workers could stop all this - if they wanted (Score 1) 323

Tech workers will endlessly bitch and moan about how unfair all of this is. As if that all that griping would actually change anything.

If you want to change anything, you need to organize, raise money, and lobby.

Like it or not, that is how the government works: money talks, and bullshit walks. And complaining, without campaign contributions, is just bullshit.

Doctors, lawyers, and others learned to organize, and protect their careers. Tech workers do just the opposite. Tech workers stab each other in the back so they will be the last ones fired.

Funny thing is: the visa workers are also victims of all this.

Techies are smart in some ways, but not very smart in others.

Comment I work at IBM, and I use Redhat on my work desktop (Score 1) 409

Microsoft is losing market share like mad. Everybody hates their new OSos.

In the most dynamic part of the market: tablets and phones, Microsoft is totally failing.

We may be *finally* seeing an end to Microsoft's abusive stranglehold on the industry.

Maybe we should be teaching kids iOS and Android?

Comment I wish Google apps were higher quality (Score 2) 409

I use Google apps all the time. I even got Google certified for Google apps.

I really want to like Google. I am sick to death of Microsoft's abusive monopoly.

But Google apps are poor quality. Google seems unwilling to fix serious bugs that have existed for years. Google drive does not sync worth a damn. And there is still no Linux client.

Again, I really want to like Google, but Google makes it more, and more, difficult.

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