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Comment Re:Sudden outbreak of common sense? (Score 4, Insightful) 222

Certainly not true in my case.

I think windows, especially after XP, is a total POS. Linux desktop blows it away in terms of speed, security, reliability, and everything else.

Although I hardly use it anymore, I constantly have to muck with win7 on my laptop. Badly behaved apps put crap in my start up - making the boot time even slower. Every time I boot up, or shut down, I have to wait for updates. Sound stopped working for no apparent reason, had to fix something in the registry. On and on, one thing after another.

Linux just works, and work well. After using windows, linux is like a breath of fresh air.

Comment Re:Maybe just get out of the middle east altogethe (Score 1) 433

So we just kill anybody who might, someday, be a potential threat? And don't worry about collateral damage either?

We start doing that, and people with say, with some justification, that we are just a great bully. We start doing that and others will feel fully justified in attacking us in every possible way. Even our allies we snort that we are getting what we deserve.

This not like WW2 where we had soldiers fighting soldiers. We are not fighting a nation that can ever negotiate any kind of peace.

The more the US involves itself in mid-east affairs, the more they are motivated to attack the US. Nobody flew airplanes into building in Switzerland.

Comment Re:If you have the opportunity (Score 1) 433

> FTFY, after all, only idiots think their goal is to 'terrorize' the US when it's actual fighting to not be oppressed under US 'freedom' and 'capitalism'.

I guess that explains why they kidnapped those 200 girls. No doubt those girls were going to oppress them.

I guess that explains why Muslims kill other Muslims in terrorists attacks so often.

Comment Re:If you have the opportunity (Score 1) 433

> I support Israel's right to exist but I think they've done themselves no favors by being so repressive of the people who were living there before they took over.

Repressive? How so?

Is Israel, a Muslim has all the same rights as anybody else. In Israel, Palestinians can, and do: vote, hold public office, own property, and so on. This is very different than other mid-eastern nations, which would never give equal rights to a Palestinian.

Comment Re:If you have the opportunity (Score 1) 433

There are more than "pockets of support." Hamas, which rules Palestine, has it right it their charter, that their mission to kill all Jews, all over the world.

The entire nation of Saudi lives by these rules.

There have been over 23,000 Muslim terrorist attacks since 9/11, resulting in over 250,000 causalities.

Go to youtube and watch videos of high-ranking Muslim clerics, and statesmen, preach bigotry, misogyny, and violence. Way beyond anything preached by the KKK or Nazis. And why not? They are preaching what is written.

Comment Re:If you have the opportunity (Score 1) 433

Jmc23 I suggest you actually take a look at Islamic holy books. The central themes are bigotry, misogyny, and violence. The Qur'an is, as much as anything, a manual on forcing infidels to submit.

Islam is all about submitting to Islam, and forcing others to submit. "Kill the infidel where ever you find him." "Never have infidels as friends." "Feel free to lie to infidels." It's all there, and much more.

Comment Re:start shipping truck loads of money there (Score 1) 433

> That strategy would likely work to stop the illegal immigration from Mexico as well.

Hey here's a novel idea: why not use US money to fix US problems first? How about paying off our national debt first *then* worry about our neighbors?

The US is beyond bankrupt. The US is trillions in debt. The US credit rating is being degraded. And we are supposed to help other nations first?

Comment Re:start shipping truck loads of money there (Score 1) 433

> Darn few people turn violent when they've got families who are reasonably safe and an acceptable standard of living that they aren't in too much fear of losing.

Pure bullshit. Boston bombers? John Walker? Fort Hood Slayer? I could go right down the line. Osama bin Laden was worth several million.

You just don't understand Islam.

Besides, if we have truckloads of money to burn, why not spend it on health care for Americans? Or improved education? Or paying of our staggering debt.

Comment Re:Maybe just get out of the middle east altogethe (Score 1) 433

> Happy, contented people don't become terrorists.

Boston bombers? Osama bin Laden? Fort Hood Slayer? John Walker?

These people had absolutely no reason not to be content. They were comfortable, plenty of money for what they needed. Nobody was threatening them.

You either do not understand Islam, or you act like you don't.

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