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Comment Re:if these confirmers are reputable, who are they (Score 4, Informative) 986

Read the report. The names are at the top.
Giuseppe Levi - Bologna University, Bologna, Italy
Evelyn Foschi - Bologna, Italy
Bo Höistad, Roland Pettersson and Lars Tegnér - Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Hanno Essén - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

Unfortunately, Levi is a long time acquaintance of Rossi, so his independence is hard to justify.

Comment Re:Cost of treatment? (Score 1) 487

We're talking Ebola. Biohazard level 4 or safety precautions are required, but obviously wasn't available for the Dallas hospital. This guy died pretty quick, but I'm guessing the bill will be substantially more. Plus Ebola is considered a bioterrorism agent, so every drop is a controlled substance capable of being weaponized. So the Feds were called in from everywhere..

Comment Re:Cold Fusion News (Score 1) 315

There are dozens of groups working on low energy nuclear reactions. Google Dennis Cravens who demoed a very simple experiment that showed excess heat in one of two similar brass spheres. I agree, its maddening, that in 3 years, no one has conclusively debunked Rossi. I agree with the above poster-- if the experimental results don't jibe with theory, who ya gonna believe? Or should we close the patent office....

Comment Cost of treatment? (Score 2, Interesting) 487

Someone should do a FOIA request on the amount of money that was spent at the hospital and for cleanup... I assume the public taxpayer is footing the bill, we should be able to know how much one patient costs. Then we can compare that to the cost of keeping our borders open to vs. restricting some "tourist" visas.

Comment Re:Cold Fusion News (Score 4, Informative) 315

Ni -> Cu is no longer claimed.. Now what is claimed is that the secret ingredient, Lithium is the core of the reaction... and might be more accurately called a lithium neutron transfer. (Ni58->Ni62 and Li7->Li6) ? But don't quote me..

Read the report..

There are open source replication attempts going on now. Time will tell.

But my hope meter has gone up again... and this appears to be a new nuclear process.

Comment don't they already vent hydrocarbon gasses? (Score 2) 82

My understanding is that many oil wells vent large quantities of natural gas that are unprofitable to collect as a product, but could be used for on-site purposes. Solar panels are great if you have a ton of room, can keep them clean, and don't need continuous power, and want to appear "green." But for oil fields, using natural gas and processed fuels is the way to keep prices competitive.

Comment TeamViewer (Score 4, Interesting) 210

I had a "Microsoft" guy walk me through installing TeamViewer. After twenty minutes of goofing with him, I said it was installed (which it already was).. When he asked for my team viewer ID, I asked for him to give me his ID first. They didn't and were mad I wasted their time. But.. it makes me think that the TeamViewer company might be able help track down these jerks.

Comment Audible (Score 2) 167

I love listening to books... So Audible is where a lot of my entertainment money goes. Great for car trips or commuting. Goodreads is a good app for logging and rating books you've read. Unfortunately, the two are not merged, so buying a book on audible doesn't add it to good reads.. Audible has a free trial.. You really should pick out a good book and give it a listen.

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