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Comment don't they already vent hydrocarbon gasses? (Score 2) 82

My understanding is that many oil wells vent large quantities of natural gas that are unprofitable to collect as a product, but could be used for on-site purposes. Solar panels are great if you have a ton of room, can keep them clean, and don't need continuous power, and want to appear "green." But for oil fields, using natural gas and processed fuels is the way to keep prices competitive.

Comment TeamViewer (Score 4, Interesting) 210

I had a "Microsoft" guy walk me through installing TeamViewer. After twenty minutes of goofing with him, I said it was installed (which it already was).. When he asked for my team viewer ID, I asked for him to give me his ID first. They didn't and were mad I wasted their time. But.. it makes me think that the TeamViewer company might be able help track down these jerks.

Comment Audible (Score 2) 167

I love listening to books... So Audible is where a lot of my entertainment money goes. Great for car trips or commuting. Goodreads is a good app for logging and rating books you've read. Unfortunately, the two are not merged, so buying a book on audible doesn't add it to good reads.. Audible has a free trial.. You really should pick out a good book and give it a listen.

Comment Re:Better ways to do it. (Score 1) 57

Quite simple. BSD avoids legal problems that releasing code under GPL might create in the future. Plus, most (proprietary) software companies prefer BSD and altogether avoid GPL. So if a corporation is going to "give back" to the open source community, they'll do it under a license they most agree with. Anyone open sourcing code will want to do so with an eye towards future uses and whether it will be good or bad if used by a competitor.

Comment Re:Wrong problem to focus on (Score 1) 158

I haven't been impacted by illegal drug lords in Mexico, either here in the states or while traveling in Mexico. I have been impacted by getting stopped by the border patrol and their sniffing dogs. Sounds like money going to Mexican drug lords is a Mexican problem.

On the other hand, millions of American's are impacted by illegal immigration. From honest business owners who compete with businesses that hire illegal labor, to underfunded schools and social services, and of course the victims of crimes committed by the undocumented -- from hit and run, drunk driving accidents, to rape and strong armed robbery and petty thievery.

We have laws on the books that were not here when my ancestors came to America. America still has more legal immigration than all other countries combined.

A country without laws, borders, or a common language is doomed to fail.

Comment Wrong problem to focus on (Score -1) 158

I vote we focus on stopping illegal immigration going into the US and less about US currency going across the border. There is not a lot of problems associated with drug money going to the Mexico. On the other hand, waves of unskilled, poor, desperate people and who can't legally work here is a recipe for social problems that will last generations.

Comment Blame Islam, not Israel (Score 3, Insightful) 868

Trying to blame Israel for very real world-wide problem of Muslim-on-neighbor violence is missing the root cause. The Palestinians and most Muslims have been taught from age zero to hate the Jews because of the lunatic ravings of their "prophet." Their Qur'an is filled with war tactics and how to treat the enemy, which is everyone who doesn't believe in their god. And the vast majority of Muslims believe in Sharia law that enforces these barbaric 8th century laws. Browse for a few insights into the real source of the problem.

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