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Submission + - Did Hillary Commit a Felony? ( 1

bhlowe writes: Hilliary used a private email server hosted at her house to conduct business as Secretary of State under a pseudonym. This appears to be in violation of US law that may exclude her from holding office. A mock twitter account has been set up using the pseudonym of the "administrator" of her server, Eric Hoteham. In 2000, Hillary Clinton says she gave up using email because of the number of investigations she's been under.

Comment Re:Clever. (Score 1) 391

That isn't why the regulations were not released. A specific gag order was implemented that prevented anyone outside of a select group from viewing the proposed rules until after they were voted on. It wasn't because no one filed a FOIA request or the FCC just forgot to post a PDF. It would have been a violation of law to release the documents. The camel's nose is inside the tent. What could possibly go wrong.

Comment Re:Clever. (Score 1) 391

Yeah, I meant "Rule". That said, it would be nice if the "most transparent administration ever" would have released the contents of the rules so they could be judged on the facts, rather than the concepts. The whole, you have to pass it before you can see whats in it is something everyone should oppose. I am suspect when the government comes in and says they're here for my benefit.

Comment Re:Attack the messenger... (Score 1) 394

Al Gore quoted the best climate scientists who predicted a hockey stick rise in temperatures that never happened. That isn't in dispute. The paper is about why those models may have been so wrong. Or did you not catch on that they had to change the name of the crisis from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change." ?

Comment Re:Attack the messenger... (Score 1) 394

Again, you attack the messenger, this time its Breitbart news site. Which fact did Soon get wrong? Which fact did Breitbart get wrong?

Please cite the law or ethics rule that Soon broke, with citation.

Soon's paper is ethical and peer reviewed. Attack the science if you can... but I'm guessing you can't. Most global warming "deniers" don't deny the data -- carbon dioxide is rising, but simply the (dire) predictions and proposed solutions.

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