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Comment Wow. Matchboxes. (Score 1) 396

Due to economic limitations (real or imagined), my folks would only buy me a Matchbox every 3 months or so. I had about 30 in total, all Superfast or Rolamatics except one bigger F1 Brabham BT44 whose airscoop is long lost. I recently bought more genuine Lesney Superfasts (and one Rolamatic) off MercadoLivre (eBay for Brazilians) out of nostalgia, bringing the total to about 40. Current Mattel offerings are Just Not The Same Thing (TM).

I tried to retouch one car's painting with nail polish once, but it looked awful. I decided that worn out painting looked better.

Numbered them all and ran championships. I would put them on a starting grid, push the grid slowly from behind with a shoebox cover, and look who passed first over a line on the floor. Whoever fell by the wayside was a non-finish.

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