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Comment It smells in here. (Score 5, Insightful) 141

Deloitte and the life insurers stress the databases wouldn't be used to make final decisions about applicants.


She also says that, while Acxiom does store personally identifiable information, it doesn't store or merge anonymous online-tracking data, such as Web-browsing records.


Units of News Corp., including The Wall Street Journal, supply information to marketing-database firms and buy information from them. "We have strict precautions around confidentiality," a spokeswoman said.


The insurer says pilot projects with marketing data are continuing in its effort to improve clients' buying experience.


All these quotes were made by PR and corporate stooges. Does anyone honestly think they would tell the real story?

Comment Re:Deadlier than the terrorists (Score 4, Insightful) 681

But it all adds up - a little there, a little here, and if you're going for medical treatment, etc....

Of course, we're assuming that the numbers given by Rapiscan are in fact true - they didn't use cigarette company scientists to do their numbers.

No, I don't believe the FDA when they say that the scanners are "safe". I firmly believe they took Rapiscan's numbers at face value or adjusted their recommendations to be favorable to to Rapiscan - like they did for the Tuna industry and mercury intake. The FDA is beholden to industry.

Comment No. It's the hypocrisy. (Score 2, Interesting) 436

It's amazing how Slashdot's usual libertarian attitude to just about everything develops a strong protectionist bent as soon as American tech jobs are on the line.

If American firms said, "We're going overseas for cheaper labor." I could accept that. But when they say they are going overseas because US workers aren't good enough, that's just a down right lie and shitty of them and I'll remember - Intel and IBM.

I understand that there are billions of people on Earth and all of them are just as capable as Americans and as a result, all labor is now a commodity. I accept that. Nothing can be done either and even if there were, I wouldn't want it to be done because that outcome would be worse - I know enough about economics to know that much (See what happened in the 30s when tariffs were enacted ).

And it's really frustrating when you try to get more education and training to move to another line of work (resulting many times in a shitload of school debt), you have trouble because of age or every other out of work IT guy is jumping at the opportunity (I think there's going to be a HUGE glut of nurses in a few years for one), and you see more go overseas - but you're told the same trite line "you just need to retrain and get education" - it's not working anymore. The economy isn't growing fast enough to employ all the new college grads let alone the millions out of work.

Shit's not good.

Comment Re:hmmm (Score 2, Informative) 436

This reminds me of the Stephen Colbert + Mexican farm workers demonstrating how even when offered US workers didnt take the farming jobs.

A "program" offered by a character on a Comedy Central program isn't exactly a valid cite. How many people actually thought it was real? And for most people who live on the coasts, how many farms are there around them that would actually hire that kind of worker. I think the closest one to me is about a 3 hour drive - one way.

Comment Been there. (Score 5, Insightful) 436

From the 4th page:

The contractor that Serrano trained at IBM was from China, but Serrano didn't know her immigration status. And despite having to train her replacement, ...

I had to do the same thing at another company and he was the one who asked me what the '*' by variables mean and "what's a pointer?"

That's why when I hear some big shot at Intel, IBM or any other big corp says that they are hiring overseas because 'they can't find qualified Americans", I have to go off and mumble "Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. ... "

Just tell the fucking truth. They want cheaper labor. That's why as Indian salaries go up, they move to other countries.

Nope. It's corporate America. How do you tell when a PR person is lying? Their lips move.

Of course the economists will say this is good for the entire economy. Really? Then why have real wages been stagnant for over a decade - for everyone?

Go up the food chain? How can we when even the upper food chain jobs are leaving. Except of course upper management. But that will change. Some foreign based company without the obscene upper management pay of IBM or Intel is going to come in and eat their lunches - you'll see.

Comment Re:Let's stereotype! (Score 1) 600

Woo! Man I sure hit some button of yours!

I'm not a racist - I hate EVERYONE.

After all, you wouldn't want me to profile you as a racist due to a single post that seems to indicate you believe that certain people can only be hired for their "stylish" qualities and those "stylish" attributes mean they are not qualified or skilled to perform a job.

Actually, I believe that.

Racist? I believe a lot of people in government and NGOs get hired because of their race or their sex. If that makes me a racist in your eyes, then so be it.

Comment Let's have fun! (Score 1, Offtopic) 600

It's an NGO - 20 employees. NGO? Non-Governmental Organization? Some do-gooder type of company?

They hired this guy based on, let's say, "stylish" reasons and not by his qualifications. Because if he were a real geek, he'd know exactly what, how, and how much off the top of his head. So, let's fuck with him:

"Dude. You need a Mac Pro server and a 12-Core Mac Pro on every desk AND every one absolutely needs a 64GB WiFi 3GS iPad AND an iPhone. Otherwise, you will FAIL and children will starve!!!"

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