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Comment Re:choices (Score 1) 710

Indeed, I've seen studies that showed very little difference in perceived quality between 30fps non-blurred frames and much higher framerates.

Really? Wow, I could definitely tell, especially on explosions or certain quick movements. It felt weird, "non-cinematic". While I didn't know that it was the difference in FPS, I knew "something wasn't right".

Comment Re:Uhh, it's a third-world country. Be careful the (Score 1) 386

I agreed with you at first, but eventually I noticed your lack of knowledge.

Today, it is much more akin to an African nation than it is to a Western nation.

Wow, what the hell *that* means? There's a reason Buenos Aires is called the Paris of Latin America. Argentina is You also say "an African nation". Do you mean like Seychelles, Libya, South Africa or CAR? Do you even know Africa is a continent?

When traveling in foreign nations, it is a good practice...

Agreed, but losing your passport is more probable that way.

Indeed, a good way of avoiding incidents like this is to not travel to countries where incidents like this are more probable. This is just common sense.

So... you agree that there are places even in the USA that may be risky, essentially admitting that countries are not a good generalization, and then you go on and generalize for entire countries once again? Charming.

Comment The summary is wrong (Score 1) 406

They didn't lament the lack of operator overloading or polymorphism in Visual Basic 6, so they didn't say much

The summary is wrong: Visual Basic has polymorphism, it's the inheritance that is clunked. Google it, or enter here.

If timothy et al. don't know the language and environment, of course they won't understand the power of the little beast.

I don't agree with your death sentence, though. As years pass and I test language after language and environment after environment, I've come to respect the quick approach over the nice or correct one.

Comment Re:Nanny State (Score 1) 1141

>implying people are rational. Japan has laws in place for the same problem (they even have fines!). Argentina banned NaCl salt on restaurants (you have to ask the waiter for it). People will keep doing stuff that's bad for them, even if they know it, because habits die hard and that's how people work. As long as there's a scientific consensus (there's an obesity epidemic and serving size influence total food ingested) I'm alright with it.

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