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Comment Re:My own take (Score 2) 184

The problem is that a map editor is basically a gimped level designer, usually with gimped scripting.

Once you go there, you realize that instead of using some 3D software, and then importing that to a engine, there is possible to make a in engine tool, that can make maps. The problems you then face are the fact material mapping and your material engine may be shit. Really shit. To the point where imported photoshop image files requires massive hacking to get mapped properly. Don't forget that UV mapping for large objects are its own special kind of painful.

Of course, what is the next problem? The editor for objects. Being able to create a level, does not equal you can create or make shapes. For something as complex as it is, i never found out how to make spheres, statues or anything cool in Cube. Once you can do that in engine, in a convenient way, you can go full retarded on making good levels. Mostly due being able to do it fast.

Next? Well, animations. Rigging and animating has always been the most painful of 3D editing. You need it if you want to make complex object interactions, or want a way to script them to work properly with the physic engine. You can give up on rigging something as complex as a human, but having hanging anchored platforms/objects without tons of weird scripting would be a plus.
If scripting integrates well, you can start rigging in armor pieces, hitboxes, and more. Without needing to pray that some half assed importer works properly.

Then the last issue is usually that your editor is gimped in scripting. Or your script language is weird or limited. Or the ability to interact with making map/level is gimped, so there is lots of busy work to get a lot of scripting working.
If you at some point just fire up nano/text edit or vi, just to make edits to scripts, the in game mapper tools are shit.

This is of course only touching the tip of the iceberg. To make a 3D game, you still need a way to write and edit shaders. You need a way to gauge performance. You need good importers/exporters for the things you can't do in engine. You need all interfaces and controls to be good and sane.
You need documentation to be good, accessible, and you need to create a community.
What most FLOSS engines fail at is that they want to be something like Quake or Doom, something you use a external tool to create cool stuff for PvP shooting. They succed at their purpose, but they fail to be game creation tools.

Comment Re:This guy has a better idea (Score 2) 221

The problem is that Norway is not that cold. 90% coastal population. Coast is gulf stream. And coast basically is inland to the first mountain range, or first mountain range beyond large river or lake.

And its a modern car, with good ABS and Anti Spin, on modern tires. Its fun to drive if you go far enough inland to experience the real winter snow.

Comment Re:Oh man, I'd hate to see how your kids turn out. (Score 1) 81

I see where its going. If you make the assumption that players who just sit around and shout "puta puta puta" at their teammates the entire game, and they can't be corrected. They don't understand what they are doing, or so the assumption goes.
The big question is basically: How many of these people understand they are toxic, and how many can improve themselves? I see why they call it a study in psychology, since the subject here is interisting.
If its valid for a study is a entirely different issue, since is metric into metrics into metrics.

Comment Re:Censorship is the only toxic behavior here. (Score 2) 81

There is a large medium difference, and if you don't get that, the discussion can not be had.
League isn't a hangout place, its a entertainment medium. You go there to do something, and interaction is a secondary concern.
You describe #politics as a place where you go for the sake of interaction, where the contrast with ##politics also makes it seem that the latter is filled with butthurt banhammers.

Comment Re:Not a fan (Score 1) 304

Why are not specifying year of said models? Sciorro is either ancient, or 2008.
Rabbit is a long lasting series. 1990 != 2000 != 2001, especially in how the features work. All depending on when the parts evolved.
And again: Mazda 2 is not a year model.
We can not google each cars safety feature evolution, drive system, and then start arguing for each span of those.

Comment Re:Quiet cars and proportion of accidents (Score 1) 823

Shouldn't we just accept that? The driver won't sneak up on anybody, assuming they are not endangering everyone.
There is already laws, that indirectly force people to wear visible clothing as fall comes along with the extreme darkness. To be aware of your surrounding, I.E: Not throwing yourself in front of cars/wagons/trains.

Comment Re:Brazil has long had a very protectionist (Score 1) 111

I read parts of the article. And it doesn't make any sense.
Why would cutting tariffs do anything? Thats only going to make the out sourcing of products worse, and the best part is that tariffs forces company to do weird things. Which may end up with supply chains and local jobs, for no other reason that profit.
On the top of that, 17% sales tax is fucking nothing.

"High ITC prices leads to reduced consumption" and why is this bad again? Even the next segment talking about establishments going digital or replacing their tools, and talking about startups: It never talks or justifies the fact that this is somehow bad, that it damages the economy, or anything.
It just states "this is bad, and we can't argue why". The final segment isn't even advice its just "i think so, without any form of evidence".

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